After the refusal: Zlansky will speak to Knesset members in the coming days

by time news

After the storm: Knesset Speaker Miki Levy spoke with Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel Ivan Kornichuk today (Thursday) and said that “it will be in the Knesset’s honor to host President Zlansky to address all Knesset members.” Last night, the ambassador submitted a request to the Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy to address Knesset members through the Zoom app as part of speeches he delivers to members of various parliaments.

Until now, it was not known how the call would take place, this is because the Knesset is taking a break at the end of the winter session. Therefore, a special session will be convened to which Knesset members will be invited to the Mishkan. Levy assured the ambassador that the call will take place in the coming days through the zoom.

The Ukrainian ambassador promised to pass on the Knesset Speaker’s positive response to President Zalanski’s request and agreed to set a date for an official remote video speech to all Knesset members via zoom in the coming days. The Speaker of the Knesset allegedly refused to allow President Zalansky to speak from a distance to the Knesset members and was happy with the invitation as it appeared in the letter sent to him.

At the end of their conversation, the two agreed to be in continuous and open contact, and Knesset Speaker Levy reiterated his solidarity with the Ukrainian people at this difficult time and asked to strengthen his hands.

This is not Zalanski’s first speech to MEPs: Yesterday Zalansky delivered a similar speech to the British Parliament and last week he addressed the European Parliament leaders in this way. At the end of a letter sent by Levy to the Ukrainian ambassador, the Speaker of the Knesset shared the Ukrainian people’s grief over the loss of life, prayed for the end of the war and stated that Israel would continue to help alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

(Zalansky excites the European Parliament)

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