What to do when we are going to build or renovate

by times news cr

The Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria created a 74-page road map with detailed advice on how to implement an investment idea

When we are the owners of regulated land on which we want to build something, we must first analyze the construction potential of the property with the help of a specialist. And before we buy agricultural land, we should carefully check whether its purpose can ever be changed to enter an urbanized area.

These and dozens of other tips are indicated in the 74-page road map for the implementation of an investment idea, which was recently issued by the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria (KSB). It is available for free download on the Chamber’s website at:

The pragmatic aid follows the entire process – from the provision of the land on which it will be built, through the development of a project, the various regimes for authorizing and carrying out the activities under the Territorial Planning Act, to the realization of the construction itself and its commissioning.

In the appendix, several sample contracts are given for the benefit of citizens who take up objects without increased complexity or undertake repairs.

There are three types of samples, which are not mandatory, but are recommended for use. They are for construction, for carrying out construction and repair works and for roof repairs.

“The Chamber decided to develop these materials on the basis of its many years of experience and in the service of both those employed in the construction and investment process, as well as citizens who, as private investors, undertake this difficult task for personal needs,” said the Chairman of the Management Board of KSB Eng. Iliyan Terziev.

“We hope that the material will benefit everyone, facilitate their work by orienting them in the complex matter, as well as reduce the cases of problems with incorrect contractors, recommending that people for any activity conclude a contract with the contractor,” he added .

The author of the road map is Savin Kovachev, director of the “Regulatory documents and analyses” directorate in the chamber. He is known in the industry as a brilliant lawyer, one of the creators of the Law on Territorial Planning.

“There is hardly a person who, at least once in his life, has not felt the desire to leave behind something he built. Whether it’s a factory, a glamorous residence or a small country house, many of us have spent a significant amount of our time and money swimming in the murky and stormy waters of the so-called investment process. Unfortunately, the majority of investors in our country do not have good memories of their meetings with the state or municipal bureaucracy, as well as the numerous clashes with other participants in the design and construction process, which often end up in court”, explains Kovachev.

And he adds that he has prepared the road map with the sincere desire to relieve all those struggling with the heavy procedures of the law and related regulations. Therefore, in the material provided by KSB, the most important and principled moments in the process from the birth of an investment idea to its full realization are synthesized with advice for actions on individual issues.

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