The Photographic House (IPFO) in Olten is exhibiting the winning images of the world’s largest sports and action photo competition “Red Bull Illume” until November 24, 2024. Sports photography in its purest form, brilliantly presented for the first time in the IPFO with light displays.
The Haus der Fotografie in Olten is showing the exhibition “Red Bull Illume” with the winning images from the world’s largest competition for adventure and action sports photography until the end of November. The world’s most extraordinary and creative photographs are presented as works of art and at the same time reflect the passion, lifestyle and culture of the photographers. Being named the overall Red Bull Illume winner is considered the highest honor among adventure and action sports photographers. Previous winners include Fred Mortagne, Chris Burkard, Lorenz Holder, Ben Thouard and Will Saunders.
“For six weeks we will only be showing sports photography, which unfortunately has rarely happened in our exhibitions so far. “For once, the images can be seen not on the walls, but on large-format illuminated displays,” says Isabelle Bitterli, head of the House of Photography. “When you look at the pictures, you are mesmerized by the extreme performances of the athletes and the extreme situations. You completely forget that the photographers were in such extreme situations. That’s exactly what interests me.”
This year’s competition featured a total of ten categories, allowing entrants to enter a wide variety of images – from RAW shots fresh from the camera, to creatively edited photos, to videos. Most importantly, the basics of sports, action and adventure photography were covered. The “Emerging” category was especially reserved for ambitious talents up to the age of 25, while “Energy” shows images with speed, energy and strength of athletes who achieve extraordinary things.
The “Innovation” category includes images from unique perspectives, those based on special ideas as well as innovative formats and light or lightning effects. “Lifestyle by COOPH” includes the culture and lifestyle of all adventure and action sports, but the works in the “Masterpiece” category showcase the skill, creativity and unique style of the photographers.
“Playground by Radiant Photo” takes visitors to landscapes, places and spaces where the athletes show their best performances, while the “Creative” category presents images processed and modified digitally or in the laboratory. In contrast, the “RAW” category shows the composition and creation of images that come directly from the camera and are not post-processed.
The “Photos on Instagram” category was very popular among young participants, with photos so cool that even the jury was surprised. And finally, the videographers have the opportunity to show up to 60-second sequences with the best bits of adventure sports and action in “Reels of Instagram”.
Image Quest 2023 was the seventh edition of the competition, which attracted work from photographers and content creators from around the world. The winning images were chosen by an international jury of 52 editors, photographers and experts, including Mike Kim from ESQUIRE Magazine, Anna Gasser, who won Olympic gold in snowboarding, among others, and Federigo Gabellieri from GQ Italy. Last year’s overall winner was Australian photographer Krystle Wright.
Red Bull Ilume 2023 Photo Book
The Red Bull Illume 2023 Photobook was published limited to the exhibition, which contains the best 250 images and tells the stories and biographies of the 50 competitors. Only 2,500 copies were printed in total, and each copy is individually numbered and stamped.
It is exclusively available in the exhibition and costs CHF 59.00.
Was? Red Bull Ilume »
Whoa? House of Photography, Kirchgasse 10, 4600 Olten
When? From October 11 to November 24, 2024
Wednesday 2:00 am – 6:00 pm, Thursday 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Friday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
How much? Admission: CHF 10.00
Atmospheric photos: Urs Tillmanns /
Also read:
• “Red Bull Illume’ sports and action photography contest enters next round” Fotointern May 2, 2023