Teodosio Losito, are the letters sent to comrade Alberto Tarallo and the will a fake? In the meantime, filing has been requested for the incitement to suicide

by time news

Letters addressed by the screenwriter Teodosio Losito to partner Alberto Tarallo and his will are true or are they false? This is the question to which the Roman prosecutor Carlo Villani and the Guardia di Finanza have been trying to give a certain answer for months. The times to arrive at a definitive truth risk being long and while the confrontation between the prosecution and the defense is frontal, there is already a first sensational news concerning one of the main files opened by Villani, the one oninstigation of Losito to commit suicide (which took place on January 8, 2019 in the couple’s villa in Zagarolo). The prosecutor has in fact decided to ask for the hypothesis to be archived, as reported by the Roman spine of Corriere della Sera: “Tarallo did not force the hand of the screenwriter, according to the accusation. Or in any case this eventuality is in no way demonstrable ”, writes the newspaper. Triggering the investigation had been some confessions made by the actors Adua Del Vesco and Massimiliano Morra, both actors launched by the Ares Film series of Tarallo and Losito, during the Big Brother Vip in the autumn of 2019.

Just the outbreak of the so-called “Ares Gate“Prompted the investigators to open a file and a series of investigations with interrogations that they saw involved as” people informed about the facts “among others Gabriel Garko, Barbara D’Urso, Giuliana De Sio, Eva Grimaldi and many other stars of the Channel 5 series such as The beauty of women e The honor and the respect. That investigation opened up other “cascades”, including that of Losito’s wills and letters. According to the documents submitted to the Review Tribunal, which include the expertise carried out by the criminologist Maria Caldarazzoconsultant to the magistrate, lin the handwriting of one of the missives that the screenwriter wrote to comrade Tarallo – who, moreover, read several excerpts from it during an interview granted to Massimo Giletti to It is not the Arena – “it is the result of a forgery“. “From a to c to finish at or all would suggest that Tarallo wrote both, that is the screenplay of his fiction as well as the letters addressed to him from Losito”, explains Corriere, reporting excerpts from the report. Thesis flatly denied by the defense of Alberto Tarallo, followed by the lawyers Daria Pesce and Franco Coppi, who asked the forensic graphologist Silvia Passerini for a second opinion, according to which the handwriting of the script and that of the letter possess “individualizing characteristics that are difficult to voluntarily alter” and therefore “are not attributable to the hand of Alberto Tarallo “. How it will end is hard to say.

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