The Parini and Beauregard hospitals reopen to visitors and assistants

by time news

Access allowed, but with some rules: dpi, Covid green pass and respect for interpersonal distances

With the Valle d’Aosta finally entering the white zone, the hospitals of Aosta are ready for the gradual reopening to visitors. The Parini hospital and the Beauregard garrison are therefore again open to assistants and visitors, but some restrictions remain to avoid crowding.

“In order to allow the entry of carers of patients and users in safety and for the management of internal flows – explains the medical director of the garrison Chiara Galotto – the DMP (Medical Direction of the Presidium, ed) in agreement with the Health Department Usl it has established precise operational guidelines, specific for hospital areas and wards. This allows us, albeit progressively, to improve the levels of assistance to patients with obvious advantages in terms of care ».

According to the new rules in the inpatient departments, visitors, a maximum of two, can access if they have Covid green certification, a certificate of healing or a negative result from a swab carried out at most three days before. Visiting times are reduced (in general they will be in the time slot from 13 to 19, for a maximum duration of two hours) and the presence of visitors is limited.

In pediatrics and neonatology, the continuous presence of only one parent (or other reference person) is permitted for each patient; in obstetrics and gynecology only one person can accompany the patient from the beginning of labor to the end of childbirth. In the emergency room, accompanying persons can access and remain if in possession of the green pass.

The rules change for the Covid-19 ward – Infectious diseases. The contacts between the patient and the family take place through a figure appointed by the director of the department who is responsible for providing timely and periodic information on the state of health of the hospitalized person. Visits can only be authorized in exceptional cases by the director of the ward and only to a person with a certificate of vaccination or recovery.

Access to mortuary rooms: family members and acquaintances of non-Covid deceased must book access (at number 0165/6685457). Up to four visitors are allowed for each deceased.

More generally, in the common areas, waiting rooms and clinics, the stay is possible for the time strictly necessary. Carers are allowed only for underage patients, non self-sufficient disabled people, pregnant women.

In all cases, access is possible only by wearing personal protective equipment.

Elena Giovinazzo

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