Fedez reveals: “I was insulted on Domenica In, it was bad”

by time news

“Who did it? Not Ermal Meta …”

The revelation of Fedez: “A colleague insulted me in the dressing rooms on Domenica In”. The rapper said this during the last episode of his podcast Wild Moss. The episode dates back to the Sanremo 2021 Festival and to the special program of Mara Venier. Fedez in that edition was ranked second with the song “Chiamami per nome”, in duet with Francesca Michielin, which not everyone liked.

“I will never name, but an artist after we finish the Festival, da Mara Venier, he sent me to that country. We were in the room and I greeted everyone. I also greeted this person. After greeting him he literally sent me to that country because I had arrived on the podium. He told me I didn’t deserve it. I can say it was really strong stuff ”.

“I was very upset. I was sick and I said to myself ‘what a bad thing’. Even if you think such a thing don’t tell me. He told me terribly. He said something like ‘don’t say hello to me, no, you shouldn’t have finished second, you are the bane of the music you have won’. How ugly. These weird things in the dressing rooms only happen to me I think. Why do I attract these bad things? I don’t explain it ”. Fedez added: “I will not say who he is, but he was a singer competing in Sanremo”, simply denying that he was Ermal Metaas asked by Tananaihost of the podcast: “No, he was actually super cute.”

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