Best Nonfiction Books of the Month: The Best WELT List of November 2024

by time news

At ‍this point we recommend the non-fiction books of the month. The media partners are “Die Literarische⁢ Welt”, RBB Kultur, “NZZ” and Radio Österreich 1. Experts from‌ an independent jury select ten ‍titles ⁣from the fields of humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and economics.⁣ In November⁣ the following applies:

1. Andreas Reckwitz:

Loss. A‍ fundamental problem of modernity. ​Suhrkamp, ​​​​464​ pages, 32 euros.

Sociology is booming again. Here is ‌an almost ‌encyclopedic analysis of ‌the question of why our faith‌ in progress has eroded so⁢ radically. Reckwitz talks about the “modern paradox”. Read a detailed⁤ review of the book here.

2.⁤ Eva ​Illouz:

Explosive‍ modernity. ‍Suhrkamp, ⁢​​447 pages,​ 32‌ euros.

Emotions ⁤have⁣ become fashionable ⁤– even as ‌a scientific object.‌ Sociologist Eva⁤ Illouz asks whether ‌feelings are just⁤ a private ‌– or even political – matter. ⁢Read a detailed review of the book here.

3. ⁣Jens Bisky:⁣

The decision. Germany ‌from​ 1929 ‌to‌ 1934. Rowohlt Berlin, 640 pages, 34 euros.

The ​failure ​of the Weimar ​Republic and why⁤ it ⁢concerns us today. Bisky combines clarity ⁤with deep analysis.

Buy “La Decision” online now.

4. Anselm Schubert:

Christ (m/f/d). A gender story. CH Beck, 396 pages, 32 euros.

The church history ⁣professor from Erlangen explains​ how gender issues have ⁣been discussed in many ways in the history of Christianity. Read how gender ⁤ideas influence the church ‌here.

Buy “Christ (m/f/d)” online now.

5. Wolfram Eilenberger:⁣

Spirits of the present. The final⁤ years of‍ philosophy‍ and the beginning of a new‍ Enlightenment 1948–1984. ⁢Velcro crush, 496 p., 28 euros.

Thinkers are best in a four-pack: Using‌ the ​examples of Adorno, Susan Sontag, Michel Foucault, and Paul K. Feyerabend,‍ Eilenberger demonstrates why the ​history of philosophy only‌ becomes‍ illuminating ‍through ⁣constellations. ‍Read a portrait of‍ the ⁤Eilenberger method ⁢here.

Buy “Ghosts ​of the Present” ⁢online now.

6. Aleida and Jan Assmann:

Community spirit. The sixth, the social⁤ sense. CH Beck, 262 pages, 25 euros.

For a long time, ‌enlightenment was thought of only as individual maturity, but this is not enough, Aleida and Jan ‌(†) Assmann explain ‌in⁣ their brief history of ⁤ideas on empathy, which presupposes that a⁣ functioning democracy cannot exist without social cohesion ⁣. Read the interview⁣ with the Assmanns, who received the German Book Trade Peace ‌Prize ‌in 2018, here.‍


Buy “Community Spirit” online ⁤now.

7. Marlen Hobrack: ​

Inheritance. What’s left of my mother. ⁣HarperCollins, 240 pages, 24⁣ euros.

A touching book about the accumulation of things and debts and how descendants ⁣deal⁤ with this problem.‌ Read an excerpt from Marlen Hobrack’s book here.

Buy ⁣“Heritage” online now

8. Lyndol ⁣Roper:

For freedom. The⁣ Peasants’ War 1525. S. Fischer, 672 pages, 36 euros.

Among the ⁢various books on⁣ the anniversary of the peasant wars, this is​ the most original. ​The British historian,‌ who made her name with an accurate biography of‌ Luther, once again focuses on⁣ the Reformation era.

9. Annette Kehnel:

The seven deadly sins. Human knowledge for the age of ⁣crisis. ⁢Rowohlt, 400 pages, 26 euros.

The human species is still characterized ‌by the abysses that the Bible knew about 2000 years ago. An overview of anthropogenic defects.

Buy “The Seven Deadly‌ Sins” ‌online now.

10. Hubert Lupo:

The secret archives of the Vatican. And what they reveal‍ about the ​church.‍ CH Beck, 240 pages, ⁤26⁣ euros.

Wolf, professor of Church history at the University of Münster, has become known for⁤ sensational‍ findings from the⁣ Vatican archives. His​ new‌ book also offers an overview⁤ of the delicate attitudes of the Church, ​from‌ issues such‌ as the ⁢Inquisition and celibacy to the Pope, ⁤who remained silent on the Holocaust (Pius XII).

Buy “The secret archives…” online now.

The extra recommendation:

In addition ⁤to the ‌ten‍ recommendations ​from the jury, an additional recommendation from a guest arrives every month. This time ​from ​ Author Jana Jensel ⁢(“Time”). She advises:

Felix Lee, Finn ‌Mayer-Kuckuk: China. Ways⁢ to⁢ get out of ​a dilemma. Ch. ⁢Links Verlag, 256 pages, 22 euros.

“The ‌tense situation in the German⁢ economy – right now not ‍a day goes by without this topic being addressed in the media. ⁤Of‌ course, it is always about our relationship‍ with China, our most ​important trading​ partner even before the United States.‌ Have we ⁢become too‌ dependent on China? So how can ⁤we reduce this dependency? Should we ​differentiate ourselves or simply “decouple”? Felix Lee and Finn Mayer-Kuckuk address all⁤ these ⁤interesting questions in their new book “China. Ways to get out of a dilemma.” Anyone⁣ who wants to say⁢ something about the most important issues in current economic policy should ‍read this ‍well-founded and ⁣understandably written book.” (Jana Hensel)

The jury of ⁣the non-fiction books of the month

Tobias‍ Becker, “Spiegel”; Eike Gebhardt, Berlin; ​Knud von Harbou, journalist, Feldafing; Prof. Jochen Hörisch, University of Mannheim;⁤ Günter Kaindlstorfer,‍ Vienna; Otto ‍Kallscheuer, Sassari (Italy); Petra ‍Kammann, ‌“Feuilleton Frankfurt”; Jörg-Dieter Kogel, Bremen; Wilhelm Krull, The New Institute, Hamburg;⁤ Marianna Lieder, freelance critic, Berlin; Lukas Meyer-Blankenburg, SWR Wissen; Prof. Herfried Münkler, Humboldt University; ‍Gerlinde Pölsler, “Staggers”; Marc ⁤Reichwein, ‌WATCH;‌ Thomas Ribi,‍ “NZZ”; Prof.‌ Sandra Richter, ⁢German Literature Archive Marbach; Wolfgang Ritschl, ORF; Florian Rötzer, “Krass & Konkret”; Norbert Seitz, ⁤Berlin; Anne-Catherine Simon, “Die Presse”, Vienna; Prof. Philipp Theisohn, ⁣University of Zurich;⁤ Andreas Wang, Berlin; Harro Zimmermann, Bremen; ‍Stefan Dubbio, Switzerland

Relationship between China and the West has grown increasingly complex, making this book essential for understanding the ⁤stakeholders and their interests⁢ in ongoing global negotiations. Lee and‍ Mayer-Kuckuk delve into various dimensions of China’s socio-economic landscape and the challenges it faces. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary ‌geopolitics.”

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