Studies show that people with severe mental illness have a higher risk of heart disease

by time news

Trivandrum, First Published Mar 12, 2022, 1:38 PM IST

Mental illness can cause a variety of health problems. New research shows that serious mental illness increases the risk of heart disease. The study found that people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or schizophrenic disorders were more likely to develop heart disease.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. The study included approximately 600,000 adults in the US. ‘Previous research suggests that many people diagnosed with serious mental illness die of heart disease …’ – Rebecca C., who led the research. Rosom said.

He is a researcher in Behavioral Health at the Center for Chronic Care Innovation at the Health Partners Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This analysis assesses the health status of approximately 600,000 people aged 18-75 who visited a primary care clinic in Minnesota and Wisconsin between January 2016 and September 2018. About 2 percent or about 11,000 adults are diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Of these, 70 percent were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 18 percent with schizophrenic disorder and 12 percent with schizophrenia.

The researchers said that our study focused on cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body mass index and smoking to compare the overall risk of heart disease in people with and without severe mental illness.

Researchers say this is the first study to examine 30-year-old cardiovascular risk in a large sample of adults diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or schizophrenic disorder.

Here are some things women should look out for to protect their heart …

Doctors recommend 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise and 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise every week. Walking, running, jogging, swimming and dancing reduce the risk of heart disease.

Avoid saturated fats, sugary foods, processed foods and red meat for heart health.

Obesity or obesity is a major risk factor. Any woman with a body mass index greater than 25 or a waist circumference of more than 35 inches is at higher risk for heart disease. Regular exercise and strict diet can help you lose and maintain weight …Read more Here are some things that women should pay attention to to protect the heart …

Last Updated Mar 12, 2022, 1:38 PM IST

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