Ukraine, the president of doctors: “Cowardly hit hospitals, stop all violence”

by time news

“Hitting hospitals is the most cowardly action that can take place even in a war. It means betraying all international conventions signed by all States. And once again I appeal to safeguard the rights of the sick and the rights of healthcare professionals. to be able to cure “. Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), thus comments to Salute the news of the latest attack on a health facility reported by the Ukrainian authorities, the one that would have damaged the cancer hospital of Mykolaiv, in the south of Village. The World Health Organization had already reported about twenty similar incidents as confirmed.

While in Italy the first Day Against Violence Against Healthcare is being celebrated, Anelli observes, “these episodes screech so strongly and invite us to a parallelism. I believe that even in a war some situations and conditions that are essential can be saved: care of those who suffer, especially of people suffering from diseases such as oncological ones. We must all commit ourselves to a culture of non-violence, which is the culture of peace. The two things are inseparable “.

‘Building a culture of peace’

“A situation of this kind is disheartening – continues Anelli – and should be avoided for the protection of the sick”. The message that creates a sort of parallelism between all forms of violence affecting health care workers – “whether in everyday life, in the country’s clinics or wards, or in dramatic situations such as war theaters, as in Ukraine” – the president of Fnomceo also launched it at the event organized today in Bari to celebrate the day. An occasion in which the importance of the cultural factor was reiterated, as a basis for canceling this type of aggression.

“Today we must build a culture of non-violence, a culture of security and solidarity, all fundamental premises for a culture of peace, which has never been so relevant”, Anelli said this morning who, together with the other doctors of the Order of Bari, exhibited a yellow-blue cockade as a symbol of support and in memory of the Ukrainian victims of the conflict.

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