Russia warns of sending weapons – and brings chemical weapons suits to its soldiers • Updated

by time news

23:30 – Shocking documentation: The great destruction in the city of Kharkov after the Russian attacks

Photo: From Twitter

23:15 – Zalanski on the conversation with Bennett: “We talked about the Russian aggression and the prospects for peace talks. We must stop the repression against the civilian population. I asked for help in releasing the mayor of Litopol and local captured public figures.”

23:00 – Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine: About 13,000 citizens were evacuated today through humanitarian corridors.

22:40 – Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalansky spoke for more than an hour tonight. The conversation dealt with ways to stop the fighting in Ukraine and the efforts that Israel is making on the matter.

22:15 – In Russia it is reported that Putin has ordered the arrest of the heads of the intelligence and intelligence agency for not correctly predicting the intensity of Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion.

22:00 – Russia has announced that there will be no more negotiations in Belarus, and that from today these will be conducted via video calls.

21:45 – The US State Department announces that the US is ready to take further diplomatic steps to end the war between Russia and Ukraine, a State Department spokesman said after Ukrainian President Zlansky asked the West to take a more active part in the diplomatic effort.

21:30 – The Central Bank of Russia has announced that the stock exchange will not open this week either.

21:15 – Reuters quotes a senior U.S. official as saying the United States would provide Ukraine with immediate military assistance that includes anti-aircraft and anti-armor and light-duty systems.

21:00 – US Vice President Kamla Harris: “The Russian invasion threatens not only Ukraine’s democracy, but democracy and security across Europe.”

20:45 – Reports in Ukraine – A Russian plane is intercepted with Stinger shoulder-fired missiles, the plane crashed in the Belgorod area which is in Russian territory.

20:30 – Documentation on the Internet: Ukrainian soldiers took a variety of missiles from the Russian army

Photo: From Tiktok

20:15 – New satellite images reveal Topolev-160 strategic bombers carrying cruise missiles at the English Air Force base in Engels, from where they take off for attacks in Ukraine. To date, Russia has launched more than 800 cruise missiles from ships, submarines and aircraft.

20:00 – In the United States warn: Russia brings to its troops in Ukraine suits against chemical and biological weapons, which may imply that they are planning an attack on this dangerous weapon.

19:45 – Zelsky: Ukraine lost 1,300 troops from Russia’s war against his country.

19:35 – Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Russia plans a ‘referendum’ in Kherson as it did with the Crimean peninsula, thus annexing it to Russia.

19:20 – Security cameras caught a Russian missile attack on Nikolaev, when one of the missiles hit a children’s playground

Photo: Security cameras

19:15 – The Ukrainian Foreign Minister said they were “ready for negotiations – but we will not give up”. He said the lives of many civilians would have been saved if Ukraine had had more planes. “We need more military equipment,” he added.

19:00 – German Chancellor Olaf Schultz and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin and demanded an immediate ceasefire, a German government spokesman said. “The call was made as part of the ongoing international efforts to end the war in Ukraine.”

18:45 – Ukrainian President Zalansky said that some small towns in Ukraine “no longer exist” due to the war.

Zalansky commented on the talks with Russia, saying he “hopes for significant and positive effects from Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the talks.” He said he had suggested to Bennett that negotiations with Russia could take place in Jerusalem, and that Israel could offer security guarantees to Ukraine.

“All negotiations must begin with a ceasefire,” Zalansky stressed, adding that in his view “the West is not sufficiently involved in peace negotiations,” and that he does not see “courage on the part of NATO” in Ukraine.

18:30 – Russian military forces make their way over the capital, Kyiv, on Saturday, firing on residential neighborhoods and homes of uninvolved civilians. British intelligence reports that the Russian army is about 25 kilometers from the capital Kiev, and the large Russian convoy on its way to Kiev – dispersed, apparently to besiege the city, or to evade Ukrainian army attacks, which took advantage of the Russians’ tactical problem to tail and bring casualties many.

Ukraine has announced the opening of several humanitarian corridors across the country, including from the besieged city of Mariupol. The Ukrainian deputy prime minister said: “Hopefully Russia will honor its ceasefire promises.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybkov has warned that arms shipments from the west to Ukraine could become targets of attack. “Russia has warned the United States that supplying weapons from several countries is not only a dangerous move, but also an action that could turn supply convoys into targets,” Rybkov said. “.

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