Laughing at All of Us | Israel Lobby Reveals: Shaked and Elkin’s New Enforcement Episode – Neutered

by time news

In the Eretz Israel lobby, they analyzed the new enforcement chapter in the Negev, which Shaked will bring to the Ministerial Committee after it was separated from the five-year plan, and reveal that he is completely disillusioned with JNF plantings and other land conservation plans, budgets and facilities. From the decision itself stands out and dangerous.

It is clear from the new enforcement chapter that enforcement will focus on “series-supporting” programs and not on programs aimed at freeing maximum state lands from illegal construction.

The changes:

1. No plantings! – Subsection 6 from the previous five-year plan – Section preservation of the land through planting, renting, and promoting plans – was completely omitted! (In the above section in the previous version, which was opposed by the Prime Minister, the plantings will be budgeted at least NIS 30 million.)

2. Subsections 8, 9 and 6, which deal with standards and budgets, have been completely omitted. Meaning: 10 inspectors for the Green Patrol, NIS 32 million for RMI, 5 inspectors for the national enforcement unit + NIS 7 million, 4 inspectors for the local planning and construction committees in the Beer Sheva area + NIS 3.5 million – does not exist in the new decision.

3. Section 1 of the new resolution reads “Preservation of State Land from Invasion” as opposed to the previous wording which reads “Repeated Invasion”. In the same section 1 it is written “subject to the enforcement policy of the enforcement agencies” and omitted “in accordance with the reinforcement of measures and measures”

Section 3 of the new decision states that emphasis should be placed on “supportive enforcement of the series” – a concept that is absent from the previous decision.

5. Section D of the old decision – omitted. – The section requires “the formulation of a plan for a multi-year and continuous reduction of the extent of the land on which there is illegal construction.”

The heads of the Israel Lobby, MK Yoav Kish and MK Orit Struck, said: “The new enforcement chapter is a bluff and a sham designed to try to catch the public’s in order to hide the complete surrender to the RAAM and the abandonment of the Negev.

We are also very concerned about the promise of the Secretary of State, who promised the Prime Minister “reduction of enforcement policy”, since the entire decision is subject to the same “enforcement policy” that will be reduced with higher intervention. For a dark chapter in the history of Israel. “

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