Russia-Ukraine war, skyrocketing prices: will we go on foot because of Putin?

by time news

Gas stations closed during the 1979 energy crisis: will we see these scenes again soon? (photo: IPA)

War economy: we risk another blockade

The war between Russia and Ukraine risks blocking the Italian economy. In addition to food products that are already starting to be scarce in the wholesale outlets for Ho.Re.Ca. ei gas station prices skyrocketed, there are bleak forecasts for operations in the coming days, given the shortage of gas, fuel and raw materials. The risk is to return to theforced footing half a century ago. Yes, because the script that links war, energy crisis and blocking of production activities has already been written in the history of our country. And not just once, but even twice.

The 1973 crisis and Sundays on foot

The first energy crisis capable of overwhelming our country dates back to 1973. In that case too, it was triggered by the war: that between the Egypt / Syria alliance and Israel. A conflict called “of Kippur” because it began on 6 October, on the day of the Jewish anniversary of Yom Kippur. The Arab countries associated with OPEC (the organization of oil exporting countries) supported the action of Egypt and Syria with strong increases in the price of a barrel and the embargo against the more pro-Israeli countries, including those adhering to the Born. Italy was obviously also involved, where the government chaired by Mariano Rumor he was forced to implement a national plan of “Economic austerity” which included, among other things, the ban on using cars on Sundays, the early end of TV programs and the reduction of public lighting. Despite these precautions, the impact on the economy was very strong, practically marking the end of the development phase that began with the “boom” of the 1950s. The “energy crisis” of 1973 stimulated a strong environmentalist reflection, but also warlike reactions such as that between the shah’s Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Oil producing countries that went to war with each other. As a result, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries increased their extractions, helping to lower the price of crude oil and thus ending the crisis phase. But not definitively.

1979: the Islamic revolution and the new crisis

Just five years later, a new energy crisis began in Iran, where the political upheavals that led to the revolution led by Khomeini: the Iranian monarchy in 1979 became an Islamic republic. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was forced to leave the country to cope with the turmoil on the markets caused by street protests. The period of uncertainty led to a freeze on exports and the consequent price increase, which extended to other producers in the Middle East, but also to other products such as propane, fuel oil and various chemicals. The United States and the entire capitalist economy were hit hard by this new crisis, which also had repercussions on employment levels and inflation. In addition to a greater focus on Middle Eastern political dynamics, the West responded with the development of nuclear power. For Italy, which in 1979 had joined the european monetary system, the consequences were the return to the queues at the gas station, but also a marked political instability, as well as the intensification of trade union struggles and terrorism. Only in the 1980s, also thanks to the activation of new fields in the North Sea and Alaska, was the energy crisis definitively resolved. At least for that time.

IPA FGR251562 pr

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