Happy Purim with a winning parcel delivery

by time news

Purim is a happy holiday that also strengthens the bonds between a person and his friend. One of the most prominent commandments on Purim is the sending of portions to one another, and in this, Israel’s saints used to glorify and usually give more than one shipment that is required by Halacha.

We are now in the planning and preparation stages for organizing the parcel deliveries and when we enter the ‘supermarket’ for shopping it is hard to miss already at the entrance a large stock of sweets and parcel deliveries packed with sweets. Out of curiosity, when I checked how sweet such a packaged package delivery could be I found that it had about 25 teaspoons of sugar in it! Really scary. Usually, our children receive much more than one shipment and imagine all the sugar that enters their body and the health damage that may be caused to them, have mercy!

Such dangerous parcel deliveries are the result of negative messages conveyed by the industry. An example of this is an advertisement by one of the big candy companies that allegedly addressed children directly, in which a disguised figure with a basket full of sweets was seen, with the words: “What a sweet child disguised as Mordechai and handing out sweets indefinitely.” This is despite the fact that the company has undertaken to refrain from advertising food products that are considered harmful to children. It should be noted that in Israel the prevalence of overweight and obesity is among the highest in the world. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children aged 5-9 in the ninth year (2016) was about 38%, ranked 8th out of 35 OECD countries. In the year 2019, according to surveys, it was found that about 30% of Jewish children are overweight and obese. Furthermore, obesity is the most significant risk factor for diabetes and 7.8 times increases the chance of getting the disease.

From all of the above, we parents have a great responsibility for our health and the health of our children and it seems that it is no small challenge to prepare a parcel delivery that is on the one hand happy to receive and on the other hand healthy to give.

We will offer some ideas for organizing healthy and good parcel delivery:

Bake challahs and wholemeal rolls in your homes, with the help of which your loved one can celebrate the Purim meal with elegance and health (attached is a recipe for an Iraqi tattoo pastry)

Prepare healthy and original salads yourself, such as: whole sesame tahini, dipped salad, chickpeas, matbucha, eggplant and various vegetable salads. These salads can be perfectly combined with the pastries for the meal.

Roast grains and peanuts in a salt-free oven or with mild saltiness and cook legumes like chickpeas and attach them to the delivery so you will reward the others with the custom of ‘eating the seeds’ on Purim in memory of Daniel and his friends and Esther who were saved from eating forbidden foods.

Add health and citrus with citrus fruits, bananas, dates and apples from Eretz Israel and thus add color, health and a smile to your face.

If you buy food or drink, look for products with the green marking on the front of the package and reduce as much as possible when buying harmful products with the red marking.

For children who are used to it and want to give sweets, it is recommended to bake personalized cakes reduced in sugar at home. You can easily reduce one-third to one-half the amount of sugar from a common recipe.

So, may we all have a happy, healthy and winning Purim holiday.

Nir Cohen, dietitian and nutritional consultant for the ultra-Orthodox public at the Ministry of Health

Recipe for Iraqi Tattoo (Courtesy of Ruthi Viscott)

Ingredients for about 30 units:

1 kg wholemeal flour (80%)

A flat spoonful of dry yeast

4.5 tablespoons sugar

½ A glass of olive / canola oil

3-4 tablespoons khwaij for baking

3.5 glasses of lukewarm water

For glazing:

1 beaten egg yolk with a teaspoon of oil


Put into a flexible dough.

Leave them covered for first swelling for 30 minutes.

Put again.

Roll out the dough into large walnut-sized balls and set aside for 10 minutes.

Prepare a ‘sausage-dough’ from each ball and close each sausage into a circle (with a large hole in the middle) or leave as small rolls and place in a baking pan.

Cover the cake and swell again for about an hour.

Spread with beaten egg yolk with a little oil. You can sprinkle with sesame or fennel.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes until light brown.

Nutritional value of the recipe:

Nutritional value

Per serving



(G) proteins


(G) Carbohydrates


Fats (grams)


Dietary fiber (g)


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