Stress, the “worker syndrome” recognized by the WHO

by time news

Stress, “the worker syndrome” recognized by the WHO

“I am very stressed” is the usual phrase of those who are in conflict in the workplace or are in a phase where they are very busy. This is a real pathology, also called physical “Burned worker syndrome or burnout“And recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The physical symptoms of stress caused by this disease are varied and different from person to person. According to many health professionals when doing one diagnosis in “burnout” that particular moment is analyzed, but then each patient will have a different evolution.

Stress, a pathology with different evolution from patient to patient

According to the most recent findings about it it was noted that in case of illness the autonomic nervous system it works more quickly and this forces, for example, a faster digestion, without being able to lie down to rest and have an easier digestive process; this, in the long run, creates problems intestinal. It may also happen that the body has to regenerate the cells, but it cannot, and therefore they are born skin problems with eczema or stress headaches. Also the trade union assessed the main consequences of work-related stress: memory deficiency, digestive system diseases, contractures, insomnia, heart problems. Work stress is a phenomenon that has grown in recent years also due to new technologies which, very often, do not allow to separate professional activity from personal activity. At any hour of the day you can get in touch (physically or via email) with some colleague or be called by someone without having real privacy.

Stress, abnormal consumption of alcohol and tobacco and wrong diet

Work stress can cause leads to other problems such as abnormal consumption of alcohol and tobacco. In addition, very often, stressed people eat poorly and, in a short time, they can develop problems obesity, high sugar levels, diabetes or high blood pressure. All aspects that make the risk of stroke or heart attack easier. Several studies indicate that a person highly stressed are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke than someone who does not suffer from it. However, it is difficult to associate the many different symptoms present with the “burnout” syndrome. Chronic stress, according to doctors, activates a part of the nervous system that wears out the body every day.

Work stress, doctors’ advice

What doctors advise? Mainly a a healthy diet, a night’s rest between seven and eight hours and above all physical exercise. Exercise should not only be done to strengthen or keep fit but also to protect the heart. And it is one of the best antidotes for anxiety and depression. As for work, the origin of this pathological state, the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress has developed a clinical study that analyzed the benefits of carrying out group sessions, with advice to deal with anxiety and stress. Thirty years of laws on safety at work have succeeded to have a helmet worn on site but as regards the prevention of stress and psychosocial risks for workers, there are still many steps to take.

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