Suspicion that leaves millions in revenue: Owner of a website selling electrical appliances has been arrested

by time news

Yehuda Makmal from Jerusalem, owner of an online sales site for electrical products, was arrested on suspicion of concealing false income and registrations, amounting to NIS 4 million • In addition, it is suspected that he acted to transfer millions of shekels to a bank account

Yehuda Makmal from Jerusalem, owner of a sales site for Internet electrical products, was arrested on suspicion of concealing false income and entries in the business books in the years 2015-2020, amounting to about NIS 4 million.

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As part of an activity carried out by an Assessing Officer investigating Jerusalem and the South in cooperation with the Tel Aviv Intelligence Headquarters and an Assessing Officer in Ramla, suspicion arose that Makmel was not reporting his full income.

Following the suspicion, an open investigation was opened, during which searches were conducted and, through a court order, documents from Makmel were also seized, as well as documents from his representatives before the tax authority.

As detailed in the application, Makmel set up a website in 2014 through which he sold electrical appliances and electronics to Israelis, mainly those purchased on the Amazon website in the UK.

In order to reduce the tax liability in the draw, Makmel did not report the full sales made through the site and did not issue an invoice for the full amounts paid to it.

In addition, there is a suspicion that Makmel acted to transfer millions of shekels to a bank account outside the country, using a money changer.

The court released the suspect on restrictive conditions.

The investigation continues.

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