Ex-employee of special services of Georgia spoke about deaths in the US biolaboratory | News | News

by time news

Igor Giorgadze, a former high-ranking Georgian intelligence officer, said that in 2018, his friends handed him documents that were publicly posted on a computer in the American Lugar biological laboratory in Georgia.

From the documents it followed that experiments were carried out in the laboratory, which ended in death.

“From these documents it was seen that there was treatment, experiments, or that it was not clear to citizens, but not under their names, but under numbers. And the first thing that caught my eye was 24 corpses as a result of this treatment in one month, ”Giorgadze said on the air of the Dobrov on Air program, the release of which will be shown on REN TV on Sunday, March 13, at 23:00 .

Experts continued to study the information and found that the causes of death of people in the laboratories were not indicated. Moreover, patents for delivery vehicles for bioweapons on the battlefield were published on the laboratory’s website.

So, there was information about unmanned aerial vehicles for spraying infected insects in the air. The patent was issued to the USA.

“The device allows infected mosquitoes to be airlifted to a given area and released. As a result, a large number of people are infected, enemy soldiers are destroyed without risk to American military personnel, ”Giorgadze quoted the information.

After the discovery of such information, the ex-employee of the Georgian special services turned to the US government for clarification of the situation. The Pentagon called his statement absurd.

Giorgadze also commented on the discovery by the Russian military of American laboratories in Ukraine.

“Specialists know that the US has more than 700 military bases outside its territories. And in 25 states they have biolaboratories where experiments are being carried out,” he concluded.

On March 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense spoke about the formation in Ukraine of a network of more than 30 biological laboratories working under the Pentagon program. They can be divided into research and sanitary-epidemiological. The customer of the work, according to the department, is the US Department of Defense Office for Reducing the Military Threat.

On March 10, the Defense Department said the goal of US-funded biological research in Ukraine was to establish a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens by birds migrating between Russia and Ukraine.

On the same day, Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Chumakov told Izvestia that the United States has a lot of secret military laboratories located in different parts of the world. A significant part of them are located in the countries that surround Russia. According to him, the message about the discovery of secret US biological laboratories in Ukraine has long been no longer something sensational.

On March 8, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland acknowledged that there are biological laboratories in Ukraine where research is being carried out. According to her, Washington is trying to prevent the transfer of facilities under the control of the Russian army.

The next day, the Pentagon reported that the information about the use of US biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine for the development of biological weapons is not true, and called this statement ridiculous. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also assured that the United States is not developing chemical and biological weapons and does not have them in any country in the world.

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