Ukraine-Russia war, Sean Penn guest tomorrow at ‘Che Tempo Che Fa’

by time news

The director and the actor Sean Penn exclusive guest at Fabio Fazio’s ‘Che Tempo Che Fa’, tomorrow 13 March at 8 pm on Rai 3, to bring his personal testimony of the war in Ukraine. At the time of the Russian invasion, Sean Penn was in Ukraine to shoot a documentary on the tensions between the two countries and managed to reach the border with Poland by walking for miles with thousands of refugees.

Always very active in the humanitarian field, Sean Penn is also co-founder of CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort), a global crisis response organization that in 2010 helped the people of Haiti hit by the devastating earthquake, for which Penn mobilized a powerful network for immediate action. More than eleven years later, CORE has expanded its operations to support communities in the United States and around the world. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic emergency in 2020, the association has been at the forefront of providing free tests and vaccines to millions of people and support services to the most vulnerable communities. Recently, CORE has been committed to responding in various ways to the basic needs of Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

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