Ponytails sexually excite boys, Japanese schools ban ponytail hair style | Schools Ban Ponytails: Can cause sexual arousal, dry hair at school … !!

by time news

Japan: Surprising news from Japan regarding the school dress code‍. I mean, girls should not come to school with their hair up anymore …. !!

In the past, schools in Japan have enacted such bizarre and shocking laws. However, the recent enactment of this law has led to much controversy.

In private schools in Japan, girls are not allowed to wear their hair up in ponytails. The media reports that this hairstyle has been banned in schools.

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The authorities also provide answers to those who ask what is wrong with this hairstyle. The reason given by the authorities for banning the hairstyle is also shocking. Schools estimate that the back of girls’ necks will sexually stimulate students, which is why this hairstyle is banned … !!

However, students and parents expressed their dissatisfaction with the new law being implemented by the schools. However, this law has not been removed for the time being.

In the past, such strange laws were not new to Japan. There have been even weirder laws before. In the meanwhile, there was a rule that the underwear worn by children when coming to school should be white …. !!

In the past, restrictions were imposed on the color of children’s socks, the length of their skirts, and even the shape of their eyebrows. Hair coloring for students is also prohibited in Japanese schools.

However, this law on hairstyles goes beyond all previous rules …. !!

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