48,886 cases and 86 deaths – time.news

by time news
Of Silvia Morosi

Data for Sunday 13 March: 8,240 hospitalized (+6), 516 in intensive care (+3)

They are 48,886 the new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday the bulletin was 53,825). The number of people who contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to at least 13,373,207. THE deaths today I’m 86 (yesterday 133), for a total of 156,868 victims from February 2020 ***. The last time there were deaths below 100 dates back to last December 26 when there were 81.

Swabs and the rate of positivity

The swabs processed in the last 24 hours are 330,028 (yesterday 417,777) with a rate of positivity still growing, from 12.9% yesterday to 14.8% today.

The health situation

After five consecutive days of decline, The figure for hospitalizations is growing again: intensive therapies increase by 3 units (yesterday -14) with 41 admissions of the day (yesterday 40) and arrive at a total of 516, while ordinary hospitalizations of 6 (yesterday -40), for a total of 8,240. Currently positive people are back to close to one million (999,504), with an increase of 13,882 in the last 24 hours. The discharged and healed are 12,216,835, an increase of 36,111 compared to yesterday. The region with the most new cases in the past 24 hours on Lazio (6487), followed by Campania (5190), Sicily (4803) e Lombardy (4791).

The vaccination campaign

I’m 135,041,216 doses of vaccine administered in Italy, 95.1% of the total of those delivered so far equal to 141,928,319. what emerges from the report of the extraordinary commissioner for the health emergency updated at 6.16. In particular, 38,153,502 additional / booster doses were administered to 83.25% of the population over 12 potentially recipients of these administrations who completed the vaccination cycle for at least four months. The total of the population over 12 who received at least one dose equal to 49,310,882 people, 91.30%, while the total vaccination cycle, always in the over 12 group, concerns 48,394,132 people, equal to 89.60%. In audience 5-11 years, 1,365,372 received at least one dose (37.35%), while the total of those who completed the vaccination cycle 1,204,774, equal to 32.95%.

The analysis of the ISS: Stop the improvement of the trend

The Covid-19 epidemic shows a reversal of the improving trend documented in the previous weeks. According to the latest extended report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanit transmissibility, incidence and epidemic risk worsen in various Italian regions. There is still a decrease in the number of people admitted to hospital. Although the ISS flow data in the period 28 February-6 March continues – in fact – to observe a decrease in the incidence at national level (429 per 100 thousand inhabitants in the period 28/2/2022 – 6/3/2022 against 445 for 100 thousand inhabitants in the period 21/2/2022 – 27/2/2022), this trend is not confirmed in the most recent period on the basis of the aggregate data collected by the Ministry of Health (510 per 100 thousand in the period 4-10 March against 433 per 100 thousand inhabitants in the period February 25-March 3) suggesting a reversal in the trend.

The cases region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, is that of total cases (number of people found positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy 2.395.284: +4.791
cases (yesterday +5.501)
Veneto 1,380,410: +3,870 cases (yesterday +4,584)
Campania 1.261.131: +5.190 cases (yesterday +5.189)
Emilia Romagna 1,215,649: +2,725 cases (yesterday +2,730)
Lazio 1.137.108: +6.487 cases (yesterday +6.268)
Piedmont 1,001,576: +1,335 cases (yesterday +1,902)
Tuscany 896.641: +3.723 cases (yesterday +4.243)
Sicily 856.810: +4.803 cases (yesterday +5.335)
Puglia 787.313: +4.422
cases (yesterday +5.348)
Liguria 359.047: +997 cases (yesterday +1.327)
Walk 347.659: +2.099 cases (yesterday +1.512)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 316.283: +546 cases (yesterday +812)
Abruzzo 278,670: +1,446 cases (yesterday +1,360)
Calabria 242.595: +1.838 cases (yesterday +2.470)
Umbria 200.943: +1.824 cases (yesterday +1.714)
P. A. Bolzano 194.958: +371
cases (yesterday +523)
Sardinia 194.075: +1.305 cases (yesterday +1.807)
P. A. Trento 142.691: +252 cases (yesterday +313)
Basilicata 90,291: +482 cases (yesterday +600)
Molise 42.525: +351 cases (yesterday +246)
Valle d’Aosta 31.548: +29 cases (yesterday +41)

The deaths region by region

The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is that of the total deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 38.939: +18 deaths (yesterday +32)
Veneto 13,965: +5 deaths (yesterday +10)
Campania 9,882: +6 deaths (yesterday +3)
Emilia Romagna 16,068: +5 deaths (yesterday +5)
Lazio 10,577: +4 deaths (yesterday +10)
Piedmont 13.122: +3 deaths (yesterday +2)
Tuscany 9.225: +8 deaths (yesterday +15)
Sicily 9,737: +9 deaths (yesterday +7)
Puglia 7,801: +2 deaths (yesterday +20)
Liguria 5,153: +1 death (yesterday +2)
Walk 3,635: +6 deaths (yesterday +3)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 4,830: +3 deaths (yesterday +3)
Abruzzo 3,026: + 5 deaths (yesterday +2)
Calabria 2,180: +2 deaths (yesterday +7)
Umbria 1,760: + 3 deaths (yesterday +1)
P. A. Bolzano 1.428: +1 death (yesterday +3)
Sardinia 2,117: +3 deaths (yesterday +3)
P. A. Trento
no new deaths for the fifth day in a row

796: +2 deaths (yesterday +4)

578: no new deaths (yesterday +1)

Valle d’Aosta 522: no new deaths since March 5th

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

*** Note:

– The Abruzzo region announces that 2 of the deaths reported today occurred in recent days.
– The Campania region announces that 2 of the deaths registered today date back to 07/03 2022.
– The Emilia-Romagna region announces that 1 case, positive in the antigen test but not confirmed by molecular test, has been eliminated from the total of positives.
– The Region of Sicily announces that on the total number of confirmed cases communicated today, n. 1.194 relate to days prior to 12/03/22 (of which no. 1168 of 11/03/22) and that the deaths reported today refer to the following days: N. 1 IL 12/03/2022 – N . 7 ON 03/11/2022 – N. 1 ON 03/10/2022.

March 13, 2022 (change March 13, 2022 | 18:34)

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