By this time you have reached the kingdom: singer Milech Kahn is engaged

by time news

Great joy tonight in the world of Hassidic music: The 53-year-old singer Milech Kahn, one of the greatest Hassidic singers in the last lesson, got engaged today (Sunday) at a good and successful time with the choice of his heart.

The happy bride is Hinda Greiman Shethi, 31, the daughter of Rabbi Gershon Greiman of the Baltimore Rabbis in the United States, and the celebration is being held today in Florida.

Mailach, who lives in Jerusalem and Brooklyn at the same time, grew up in Satmar, has been involved in art in the past, has traveled the world, in various situations. And almost a decade ago, he arrived at the Kollel Tova Tova in the heart of the Mea Shearim neighborhood, where he began to understand the character of the current Mylech Kahn: a branding of a new kind of chassidic poetry, which reaches to the depths of the soul, touches, shakes, shocks, and immediately encourages and rejoices. Full of hope and recovered to euphoria.

‘Good Point’ is a ‘howl’ of interesting characters, especially residents of the United States who have rolled into different places throughout life and found themselves adhering and persistent in Torah, Breslav books and lots of authentic and original Jewish music.

Mailach symbolizes the revolution precisely because of its different fabric of life. He is not a classic ultra-Orthodox. But he manages to make a classic for ultra-Orthodox music. The man who comes from nowhere has won and his songs are played in every ultra-Orthodox house. Your email comes “from the outside” and has a positive good effect on the soul, the youth, even the one who is most “inside” and needs awakening. To an artist who will touch his soul.

Among his songs ‘And Love’, ‘Their Day’, ‘And Who Knows’, ‘And We Became’, songs that became hits in Hassidic music and were accepted in all sectors, denominations and circles.

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