Find out how to defrost chicken and how long it lasts in the refrigerator

by time news

Did you know that regardless of the method used, the‍ size of the piece of chicken plays ‌an important role in the defrosting time? The bigger it ‍is, the longer it ⁣will take.

Last update: November ⁤6, 2024

Imagine coming ‍home after work and thinking about a delicious dish you will make with chicken for dinner. But when it arrives, you realize you forgot to take it out of the freezer and it’s rock hard. That’s when⁣ you wonder how to defrost chicken quickly.

We’ll tell you Leaving it on the counter or putting it in​ hot ⁤water is not a good idea..‍ These ‍actions favor ⁣the proliferation of bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

But don’t⁤ despair. There are three ⁤safe ways ⁢to defrost chicken, and​ we’ll tell‌ you about them below.

1. In the microwave

According⁣ to the <a ​target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" style="color:#d4649a;The fastest way to⁣ defrost chicken is to use ⁢the microwave.. You just have to remove the piece from the ‌packaging and place it in a container suitable for the appliance, choose the defrost program or defrostand that’s it.

You⁢ will have to ⁣stop halfway through the cycle to turn the​ chicken. This⁤ way the defrosting will be more uniform.

With this method,‍ the chicken should be thawed ⁢in eight to ten minutes. However, there are factors that influence the time, such ​as ‌the size of the piece or the level of freezing. If you have a large whole chicken, it will take longer to defrost than a breast ‍fillet.

Consider that you should cook ‍thawed chicken in ‍the microwave​ immediately. Otherwise, the ⁢heat generated by the appliance‌ will cause bacteria ⁤to multiply⁣ and increase the risk of food poisoning.

2. With the refrigerator

While⁢ it’s true that it’s not the⁢ fastest way to defrost chicken – it takes 12‍ to 48 hours, depending on the size of the piece -, yes it⁢ is the safest. ⁣With this method ⁤the product is not exposed to temperature changes and the defrosting process occurs uniformly.

Doing it is very simple. Place the package or piece in an ​airtight container or tray covered with⁢ paper movie; Then, place it on the bottom ‌shelf​ of⁤ the refrigerator, right above the crisper drawer, and wait ​for it to thaw.

3. In‌ cold water

The third idea for defrosting chicken is to use cold water. The USDA notes that this method can⁤ take one to three hours, depending ​on the size ​of the piece. ‌For example,⁢ if you only have a thigh ⁢or brisket steak, ‍it⁤ will take just under ⁤an hour.

Start by placing the chicken in an ⁣airtight​ container or bag and submerge it in cold water. Every 30 minutes you will discard that water‍ and add more, until you feel it has thawed.

As with the microwave method, It’s best to cook chicken immediately after ‍thawing it. Once again, it ‍is about preventing the proliferation of microorganisms.

The USDA⁢ also ‌indicates that you can cook chicken directly in the oven, without thawing it. But the cooking ‍time will increase by 50%.

How long does frozen chicken last?

We have good news for ⁣you, because the ⁢shelf life

The pieces that you purchase and put ⁤directly in your freezer can last‍ from⁣ 9 to 12 months without problems, although it ⁤is recommended, for greater safety, not to‍ exceed 6 months of storage.

Now, ⁤while this time frame is long and applies to most ways you freeze chicken meat, the USDA suggests the following limits to​ preserve quality and texture, ⁣based on ‍presentation:

  • Whole and fresh: 1 year.
  • In parts and‍ fresh: 9 months.
  • Ground and​ fresh: 3 ⁣to 4 months.
  • Cooked leftovers: 4 months.
  • Included in Stews: 4‍ to 6 months.

And how long does chicken last in the refrigerator?

The refrigerator‌ is not the same as the freezer when⁣ it comes to food storage. And while cooked foods last ⁣a little longer, all presentations will only take⁢ a few days before they go bad. In⁣ general the times are as follows:

  • Whole and ⁢fresh: 1 or 2 days.
  • In parts and fresh: 1 or 2 days.
  • Ground‌ and fresh: 1 or 2 days.
  • Cooked⁤ leftovers: 3-4 days.
  • Included in Stews: 3-4 days.

How long can you keep thawed chicken⁢ in the refrigerator? If you defrosted it in the refrigerator itself, it will last up to ‌two days. ‍But, if you​ prepared ⁤it in ​the microwave or with the cold water ⁤method, you should cook it immediately and, in any ⁣case, refreeze it⁤ once cooked.

How to freeze chicken?

Just ‍as there are‌ safe ways to defrost chicken, you should know⁢ that there ⁢are also ideal handling techniques for freezing it. This will help prevent freezer burn on the product. (brown spots). The affected sections usually have less flavor and a different texture.

Take the following precautions:

  • If you have a vacuum sealer at home, opt for ‌this packaging alternative.
  • Attach a label to the package ‍with the freezing date. This way you can maintain better order and determine when to eat it.
  • If you plan to freeze the chicken in the package you purchased it in, you should wrap it ⁤in aluminum foil, freezer paper, or a freezer-safe bag. This is necessary because the ⁢plastic packaging in which they are delivered‌ is not very resistant to moisture.

How to properly ​store chicken in the refrigerator?

There are two ways to keep chicken fresh in the refrigerator: ⁢ in its original supermarket⁢ packaging​ or by repackaging ​it yourself. In the first, simply place a tray or ‍container under the chicken package to avoid cross-contamination. If ‌you opt to repackage, you can place the chicken ⁢in airtight containers to‌ organize the refrigerator or in airtight bags.

In both cases the pieces will have to go in ⁣the coldest area of ​​the refrigerator. According⁤ to the Organization of Consumers and Users of ⁤Spainit is the part found above the vegetable drawer, in combined refrigerators; and on the highest​ shelf, in the traditional ones.

To ⁤store leftovers ⁢or already cooked chicken, store ​the pieces in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator, even if ‍it is⁤ still warm.

Safety starts at the supermarket

Thawing chicken and keeping it safe at home isn’t rocket science. Just follow the advice we give you and you will be able to enjoy delicious dishes, without putting your ‌health at risk.

Safe storage and handling of chicken ⁣meat starts at the supermarket. ‍ When purchasing, carefully check the packages and ⁣choose those‍ whose pulp ⁤is light pink.⁢ This ‍is a⁣ sign of its good quality.

E original ‌packaging, chicken⁢ is usually wrapped in plastic, which can be convenient, but it may not provide the best protection against bacteria. If you choose to repackage, follow these steps to ensure freshness:

  1. Use airtight containers: Select containers that seal tightly‌ to prevent air and moisture from entering. This helps maintain the quality of the chicken and reduces the risk of⁤ contamination.
  1. Wrap it properly: If using freezer bags or⁣ plastic wrap, make sure‌ to remove as much air as⁣ possible before sealing. This minimizes the risk of freezer burn and keeps the chicken fresh.
  1. Label with dates: Always label your repackaged chicken with the date‌ you put it in ​the refrigerator. This​ helps you keep track of how long it has been stored and ensures you use‌ it​ before it‌ goes bad.
  1. Store on the‌ bottom shelf: Keep the chicken on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to avoid ⁢any drips that could contaminate other foods.

By following ⁣these⁣ guidelines for proper storage and handling, you can ensure that your chicken ⁤remains safe and delicious for as long as possible.

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