One banana is enough at this time of the day … Nutritionists recommend ..!

by time news

Chennai, First Published Mar 14, 2022, 8:53 AM IST

Banana is one of the most important nutrients in the body. Bananas, each contain numerous health benefits and medicinal benefits.

Therefore, nutritionists recommend the benefits of eating bananas. You can find out what they are through this post.

Health benefits of eating banana daily

Nutrients rich in bananas:

1. Bananas contain a myriad of nutrients. Bananas are one of the best sources of vitamin B6. It produces red blood cells. In addition it helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the metabolism of amino acids and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.

2. Nutritionists say that bananas are 64.3 percent water, 1.2 percent protein, and 24.7 percent carbohydrate, which removes unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys.

Health benefits of eating banana daily

3. In the banana (Banana) , In addition to vitamin-A, vitamin-B and magnesium, there are also potassium and vitamin-B6, thiamine, etc. It protects your body from cell and tissue damage, helps produce collagen and supports brain health by producing serotonin.

4. Bananas can help reduce irritation and pain during menstruation. Bananas contain enough iron, which reduces the risk of anemia.

5. Bananas help with digestion and help with gastrointestinal problems. Tryptophan amino acid in bananas can help reduce stress.

When you eat a banana every day, do and eat one of these steps.

Method of use:

1. Bananas can be mashed with peanut butter or almond butter and served with dosas.

Health benefits of eating banana daily

2. Mix mashed bananas with plain yogurt and add a little peanut butter, then dip into apple slices.

3. From 8 am to 9 am is the perfect time to eat bananas, which provide various health benefits to the body. Similarly, 7pm to 8pm is the perfect time.

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Last Updated Mar 14, 2022, 8:54 AM IST

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