A prophetic recipe for treating bone, joint, knee pain and many other painful diseases

by time news
A prophetic recipe for treating bone, joint and knee pain and many other painful diseases

Joint pain is considered one of the most difficult pains that a person cannot bear in any way, and there are many causes that lead to joint pain, including smoking and drinking soft drinks, and there are many natural recipes that work to get rid of joint pain with ease, including drinking milk and pain Joints are swelling in the joints of the body and can cause the cartilage to break down. Cartilage is the tough tissue that covers the ends of the bones.

Causes of arthritis

  • A person may develop arthritis due to family history, as this type is hereditary in some families.
  • People get arthritis because of age, and this inflammation includes osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout, and rheumatoid.
  • Obesity may cause arthritis, as weight gain puts pressure on joints, especially the knee joint, spine and thigh.
  • Women are more susceptible to arthritis than men, especially women who have gout.

Arthritis treatment recipe

  • The Layla Al-Dani and Nigella sativa oil are used in this recipe, as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, recommended the use of the Nigella sativa in the prevention of many diseases, and he said that it has a cure for every disease except death.
  • We must prepare the lamb chops and cut them so that they can be easily disassembled.
  • We bring a bowl and put a spoonful of oil in it and put this ninth on the fire, then put the night on the bowl and turn it over continuously.
  • We extract the fatty substance from the liquid, which is similar to oil, and then filter the liquid in this substance through a small filter, and put the liquid in a closed jar and leave the jar until it cools.
  • After that, we put the black seed oil on the fatty substance, about three tablespoons of black seed oil with the oil, and mix them well.
  • The mixture is left until it turns from a liquid substance to a cohesive substance such as a cream or ointment.
  • A drink can be prepared consisting of warm milk, to which a spoonful of cress is added. The cress is soaked in milk at night, and this drink is drunk in the morning.

How to use the treatment for arthritis prescription

The patient must apply this recipe directly to the joints, or after that the joint is gently massaged, and in the morning, drink milk with the love of Rashad.

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