Did you hear the opening whistle for the Purim events in Bat Yam?

by time news

Hurry up and put on a costume – a whole week of Purim celebrations for all ages and all over the city.

Posted on: 14.3.22 11:29

Bat-Yam is celebrating Purim 2022 and hugely. Many events will be held throughout the city with the aim of spreading the holiday spirit from early childhood to old age, and from various and diverse district events and the main event “Purim Fantasy” – Purim celebrations in the Peace Amphitheater and Independence Avenue. New on Friday 18.3.

The opening whistle for the Purim events has been heard and the festivities are underway. So what not to miss:

The main event “Purim Fantasy”
Celebrating at the Amphitheater and the revitalized Independence Boulevard in a sweet playground for the whole family and performances of whipped cream and strawberries, the legendary Kofiko and the local bands
Particularly sweet photo booths will be waiting for you on the renewed Independence Boulevard between Arlozorov and Kokis streets. Feel free to take a photo and tag!
Friday | 18.3 | 10:00 | Admission is free

Goli and the guitar she sang – a musical experience for the little ones
Bat-Yam Municipality, Max Nordau 17
Monday | 14.3 | 16:30 | A ticket costs 10 NIS

Purim party for retirees in the lottery title
A crazy Purim party for the seniors’ club that includes a DJ, costumes and light refreshments
Community Center, Jabotinsky 3
Tuesday | 15.3 | 11:00 | Admission is free

Purim for the Russian-speaking community
An immigrant house in collaboration with the Friendship Foundation invites the children of the Russian-speaking community to a special performance on Purim: “Aggadah on Purim” at 5 ORT Israel Street
Tuesday | 15.3 | 14:00 | Admission is free for immigrant children and up to 3 years in the country

Sweet Purim at the Keter Lottery Community Center
Workshop Making cookies from sugar dough in the shapes of manna ears, masks and clowns.
Community Center, Jabotinsky 3
Wednesday | 16.3 | 17:00 | Designed for ages 5+ at a cost of 15 NIS

Purim party in the Orot HaTorah community
An experiential Purim party for the whole family. Art stations, balloon workshop, inflatables, food stalls, magician and many more surprises at 17 Mohliver Street
Wednesday | 16.3 | 20:00 | Free entrance

Purim party for the French community
The French-speaking Chabad House in the city holds a Purim feast with the reading of a scroll, music, food and a spectacular magic show.
Ballroom “The Balcony” 83 Ben Gurion 83
Thursday | 17.3 | 16:00 | Registration and prepayment at 058-7714673

The disguised egg
A new musical and theatrical adaptation of the story “The Disguised Egg” by Dan Pagis. Suitable for ages 3-8.
Bat Yam Hall of Culture, 3 Ofir Street
Thursday | 17.3 | 17:30 | A ticket costs 49 NIS

Purimon 2022 – Scout Circus
The Dan tribe has been operating in the city of Bat Yam for over 70 years and every year Purim holds the traditional Purimon and the garden of the year in the best tradition will take place and will include crazy amusement park facilities and crazy circus stations.
The Scout Tribe Dan Bat-Yam, 1 Haviva Reik Street
Saturday | 19.3 | 10:00 | A ticket costs 25 NIS

In addition to the variety of events, this year there will be a “Scroll in the Community” project – reading a scroll in various centers in the city
• Yaglom Community Center – Livorno 17
Beit Tzadik Community Center – King Saul 4
• Kinneret Community Center – Kinneret 6
• Ofer Community Center – The Boys 5
• Tarbotek – Yoseftal 98
Geulim Community Center – Nitzana 19
• Kotar Lottery Community Center, Jabotinsky 3
• Gordon Community Center, Bilu 1
Habonim Community Center – ORT Israel 9
Wednesday | 16.3 | Starting at 18:00 | Free entrance

In addition, the municipality in cooperation with the religious council will distribute a creative kit to the city’s residents that includes a box for assembly, markers and stickers for preparing personalized parcels that residents can distribute to a teacher, friend, neighbor or whoever they choose. Everyone is welcome to receive the assessments from the directors of the various districts, in the City Hall building and in the religious council.

The mayor, Zvika Brut, greeted the residents of the city with a happy holiday and added: “This Purim has organized celebrations for you for all ages and all over the city. You are welcome to come and enjoy the variety of events, and of course not forget to come dressed up.”

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