Cabinet approves plan to absorb aliyah from Ukraine: “Hard and shaky times”

by time news

The government today (Monday) approved the plan formulated by the Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, and the Ministers of Aliyah and Absorption, the Negev and the Galilee, Construction and Housing, and the development of the periphery, the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of the Interior.

From the words of Prime Minister Bennett at the beginning of the yeshiva: “Israel is part of the world and the world is in difficult and shaky times. We manage this complex crisis with sensitivity, responsibility and in an attempt to reach out to help as much as we can. We are currently preparing for the absorption of immigrants and those entitled to the Law of Return, with all the package that the state has to provide for the immigrants: an absorption basket, housing assistance, education, first and foremost a big hug. At the same time, we, as a people and a society, will humanitarianly help the citizens of Ukraine who are staying here temporarily, for a few weeks, or months, until the situation there calms down. I see that there are many families hosting in the near future, and that is very important. “

archives. Photo: Haim Tzach / GPO

Program highlights:
• Preparation for housing solutions in the short term:

Rent assistance.
Renovation of buildings owned by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and making them available to immigrants.
Locating and realizing the potential of available housing in the short term in favor of preparing for the possibility of a shortage of available housing solutions for the absorption of immigrants.

• Preparations for expanding the supply of housing solutions in the medium term:

– Locating complexes for temporary residence, including in evacuated IDF camps, along with promoting a detailed national outline plan for placing temporary housing in accordance with the reference scenarios.
Preparations to increase the stock of portable housing, and their establishment without a permit.
Examination of the possibility of determining in a temporary order the splitting of apartments in favor of housing for immigrants.

• Preparations for increasing housing in the long term:

Examination of measures in favor of increasing supply in the housing market and necessary legislative amendments.
– Mapping housing barriers and promoting plans that include a large number of housing units, shortening licensing procedures, encouraging planning and realization of private land and encouraging the realization of residential plots and restoring undeveloped residential plots to the state.

In addition, the decision will formulate the municipal needs arising from the challenges of absorption in the areas of education, welfare and strengthening the community envelope, in ongoing dialogue with the local government. The required responses to immigrants will also be intensified as part of the services provided today to all new immigrants.

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