An Ugly Statement By Avigdor Lieberman | “Rude”

by time news

Knitted News14.03.22 19:26 11 Adar II Tishpav

An Ugly Statement By Avigdor Lieberman |

(Photo: Olivier Fitoussi / Flash 90)

Following Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s remarks at the cabinet meeting, Shas Knesset members sharply attack him, saying that he is a “humble and rude man.”

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According to a report by “Globes” reporter Shirit Avitan HaCohen, during the cabinet meeting, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked said that “the mayors want the Ukrainians.” In response, Lieberman replied: “Some only want the Ukrainians.”

MK Yoav Ben-Zur of Shas, attacked Lieberman and said: “Throughout his public years, Lieberman behaved cruelly and wickedly with zero compassion for human beings. The shameful and ugly expressions of the past about the ultra-Orthodox sector and today about women should shock every citizen. In a democracy, there is no place for politicians whose worldview is hatred. “

Credit: Ashmoret Conference for Managing Economic Innovation in the Education System

MK Michael Malkieli said: “In the ultra-Orthodox women he took revenge and took them out of the labor force. He sent the independents to study a profession and sip coffee in their face cruelly. Now, he is joking at the expense of war refugees who have lost everything precious to them, in a moment.

MK Moshe Arbel said: “Lieberman’s ugly and humiliating remarks against women fleeing war and fearing for their lives, teach about rudeness, opacity and heartlessness. Even in the jokes of the mind must not contain his ugly words. “Everyone who respects human dignity before his eyes is expected to condemn his words.”

MK Yossi Tayeb in response to Finance Minister Lieberman’s remarks: “A narrow and cruel finance minister whose contempt for human dignity is part of his way of life has no place in the public system. “You started harming the ultra-Orthodox women and their children, you heard the crying and crying of the independent representative in the committee and sipped coffee, and now you are speaking in disgrace against women who are fighting for their lives and the lives of their children. Enough cruelty.”

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