Rubio: “Tyrant Kim Jong-un must be removed”… Waltz: “Preemptive strike against North Korea is also an option”

by times news cr

[트럼프 재집권]

‘Super⁣ hawk’ in Trump’s ⁣diplomatic and security top tier
Rubio: If North Korea goes to war, the​ regime will end… Adjustment of‍ US forces ⁢in Korea – also ​calls for increased contribution
Waltz: “We must crush North‌ Korea’s neck with economic⁢ sanctions”… Expressions in favor⁤ of redeploying tactical nuclear weapons

‍ ‍ ‍ ⁣ ​ ‍ “A preemptive strike against North Korea is a necessary option.”

Representative Michael Waltz, who is known to have‍ been nominated by U.S. ‌President-elect Donald Trump to be ⁣the next White‍ House national security​ adviser, said this during an appearance on Fox News in August 2017, when tensions between ‍North Korea and the United⁢ States​ were increasing. When ⁣then-President-elect Trump said, “We are ready to attack (locked and⁢ loaded)” in response to ⁤North Korea’s threat of a strike drill at a ​U.S. base in ‌Guam, Rep. Waltz argued that a​ preemptive⁢ strike may be inevitable. Preemptive strike means launching ⁣an attack first when a provocation, such as⁣ war, is judged to be⁣ imminent.

Senator Marco Rubio, who ⁣is ‌known to have been ‍nominated ​as Secretary of State, also took a hard line against North Korea. When President-elect ​Trump rejected the agreement at the ‍second North Korea-US summit held ‍in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2019, he said, “If North Korea’s other leaders ‌want a better future, they must ⁣quickly remove the ‘tyrant’ Kim Jong-un.”

If ⁣this continues, the ultra-hardliners‍ against​ North Korea who advocate preemptive strikes against North Korea and even ‘regime ⁤change’ will become ⁢the ‘top two’⁣ who will lead the ​foreign and ⁣security policies of Trump’s second term. Accordingly,⁢ there are predictions⁤ that uncertainty in the situation ⁤on the Korean Peninsula⁤ may ⁢become greater than during ⁢the first ‍Trump administration.

● Strengthening sanctions against North Korea, insisting on military options

Rubio visited Panmunjeom… ⁢Waltz also visited last year. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio visited Panmunjom in‌ 2014 (pictured‌ above). U.S.⁣ Representative Michael Waltz (left photo below) also visited Panmunjom with House Foreign ⁤Affairs⁤ Committee Chairman Michael ⁣McCaul and others ‍in April last year. It has been reported that U.S. ⁤President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Rep. Rubio as the next Secretary ⁤of State⁣ and ⁤Rep. Waltz as the White House National Security Advisor. Photo source: ‍Rep. Rubio X and Rep. Waltz’s Instagram

The two lawmakers, Rubio and Waltz, are diplomatic experts with extensive experience in international issues. Since being

They have clearly expressed their skeptical views on North Korea’s denuclearization. Rep. Rubio criticized immediately ‌after the ‘Hanoi No Deal’, saying, “Kim Jong-un made a show ‌of dismantling the nuclear program.” At the first North Korea-US​ summit in 2018, Rep. Waltz said, “North Korea will take its‌ time to complete its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).”

⁣ The argument for strengthening economic sanctions‍ against⁣ North Korea​ and maintaining military options‍ is also similar.⁢ Representative⁢ Rubio said, “The best way to deter North Korea is to make it understand that if⁢ it goes to war with ‌the United States⁣ and ​South⁣ Korea, it will be the last day of its regime.” Rep. Waltz ⁣also said, “We must press down on North Korea’s neck with economic ‍sanctions. “That will force North Korea to come ⁤to the negotiation‌ table,” he said.‌ “All military options ‌must be put on the table.”

Unlike ​the ⁢first-term administration staff who opposed President-elect Trump’s call for ⁤a preemptive strike on ​North Korea, hawks who supported a hard-line response led Trump’s second-term foreign affairs and security⁤ team, raising the possibility that​ North Korea-US relations would fluctuate significantly in the future. ⁣Regarding North Korea-Russia cooperation,‍ Rep. Waltz ⁢said, “North Korean weapons going to​ Russia must be blocked in the middle.” Representative Rubio also argued that secondary⁢ sanctions should be imposed not only⁤ on⁤ North ​Korea, but also on China and Russia.

● Review of US forces in Korea, support ‌for redeployment⁢ of tactical nuclear weapons

The selection of⁣ Representatives Rubio and ⁤Waltz is highly​ likely⁤ to bring changes to the ROK-US alliance. The two ⁣lawmakers have supported Korea-U.S.-Japan security ⁤cooperation and have emphasized strengthening Korea’s contribution to keeping ‌China in⁢ check.

At⁢ a congressional ‍hearing in⁤ 2022, Rep.​ Waltz asked the commander of U.S. forces in Korea, “If ‌China invades Taiwan,‍ are⁣ you prepared to allow the U.S. military​ to mobilize troops in Korea?” and “Korea must⁣ be ready as​ well.” This means that if​ U.S. ‌troops stationed‍ in⁣ Korea are mobilized to‌ defend Taiwan, a ‍plan‍ should be‌ prepared in which South Korea takes‍ the lead in responding to North Korea.

We have ⁤also ⁢supported President-elect Trump’s increase in defense‍ cost sharing and the need to adjust US forces stationed in⁤ Korea. Rep. Rubio warned that “we will see a review of US troops⁤ stationed in Korea and⁤ Western ⁤Europe” as⁢ the two countries clash in defense‍ spending‍ negotiations in 2020. Rep. Waltz also⁤ said in 2018, “The withdrawal of US troops from‌ Korea could​ lead North Korea to​ move toward denuclearization.”

However, ‌Rep. Waltz showed⁣ support for the ‘relocation of tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean ⁤Peninsula.’ ‍He told Fox News in 2017 that as a diplomatic⁣ solution to suppress⁣ North ​Korean provocations, “China must pressure North⁣ Korea by redeploying tactical nuclear⁢ weapons on the Korean Peninsula ⁤and arming Japan.”

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The article discusses the views and actions of U.S. lawmakers⁣ Marco Rubio and Michael Waltz regarding⁤ North Korea and U.S. foreign⁢ policy. It⁤ highlights⁣ their skepticism towards North ‍Korea’s denuclearization efforts ‍and calls for a hard-line approach, emphasizing the use of economic sanctions and military⁢ readiness.‍

  1. Background ⁣on the Lawmakers: Both Rubio and Waltz have significant experience in international relations and have previously ‍visited critical locations ‍like Panmunjeom, which underscores their involvement in diplomatic matters.
  1. Stance on North Korea: Rubio criticized North Korea’s false promises on denuclearization⁤ following the Hanoi summit, while Waltz conveyed concern about North Korea’s missile developments.⁢ They ‌advocate for strong economic sanctions and military ‌options as deterrents against North Korea.
  1. Potential Policy Changes: ⁢Their expected roles​ in the Trump administration could signal a⁤ shift towards a more aggressive U.S. stance on North Korea. This includes the⁣ possibility⁣ of secondary sanctions against not just North Korea but also its ​allies like China ‌and Russia.
  1. ROK-U.S. Alliance: The article suggests that the⁤ appointment ⁢of Rubio and Waltz could affect the ‌U.S.-South Korea alliance, with discussions around the mobilization of U.S. troops in Korea and potential redeployment⁢ of tactical nuclear ⁢weapons, indicating​ a more militarized approach to Korean Peninsula security.
  1. Conclusion:⁤ The shift in U.S. foreign policy under the guidance ‍of these lawmakers might lead ‍to increased ⁢tensions in the region, suggesting a more proactive stance toward North Korea and possibly redefining U.S. military presence and strategy in East Asia.

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