Group rape in Palermo: in a handwritten letter, one of the six detainees declares his innocence | He is one of two located by the judge outside the car

by time news

transcended the text of the handwritten letter from one of the six arrested for the gang rape of a young woman in Palermo. This is Thomas Dominguez.

The text, of a handwritten page, was named by its author as “life log” and in it he describes his experiences and maintains his “innocence”. He wonders about the reasons why he got involved in a group (the other five detainees) whom he said he did not know. Thomas Fabián Domínguez from the beginning had private defense lawyers and maintains a different strategy from the rest. To begin with, he is the one who requested his release from prison, although it was denied in the first instance.

Last Friday, he was one of the four who refused to testify in the extended investigation. The author of the letter, along with Ignacio Retondo, was located by Judge Marcos Fernández outside the car, and considers that they acted as bells. That is why he added the accusation to both of them for minor injuries, since they would have been who got into a fight with a neighbor who came to record the scene with his cell phone, trying to take it away.

The text of the letter says:

“Starting today and wanting to do so beforehand but not having a moment, I, Thomas Fabián D., propose myself as a ‘travel log’ to write my experiences regarding what happened: a fact that despite its relevance and meaning, it is one more experience among so many others in my life, this being especially negative, distressing and traumatic for me. Despite its character and connotation, it is still rich in learning and knowledge”.

Thomas Dominguez pleads not guilty

“I have to admit that it does not lead to very favorable places in my facets and it tests my psyche almost to the limit; I was always someone strong in this aspect, understanding that everything happens for a reason and accepting that God considers this battle and others favorable at some point. point for me. And as much as it costs me, I find myself being strong despite being innocent, understanding the times of Justice and preparing for it with patience by virtue of discovering the truth. “

“Beyond the legal that exceeds my horizons of knowledge and leaving this in the hands of professionals, I find myself outraged, frustrated and full of questions, by far and without a hint of repentance, I keep asking myself: Why me “What was I doing there? Why didn’t I leave before? Why did I approach strangers? Why did I trust people outside my life, my values ​​and ideals? With actions far away and ways even farther than I I consider noble and human”.

“Without the intention of victimizing myself and always being aware of what I did as well as what I did not do, outside the legal framework, I keep my conscience clear for never having exceeded the limits of a neighbor and always having acted considering their disposition.”

“Today I am locked up and this is only part of my anguish, being exceeded by the fact of not being with my loved ones, family and friends, far from my personal and group projects, deeply sad because it not only affects me but to all those who trust me and are putting their strength and will to recover my freedom and thus together continue with everything that today for which an injustice is paused “.

And the signature, “Thomas Dominguez.”

Some days ago, the victim delivered to the Télam agency through his lawyer a extensive letter in which she called out the media for exposing her and not protecting your identityand for being used by “pochoclero journalism that only feeds curiosity and generates more pain.”

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