The unstoppable advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan

by time news – The advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan continues, while the withdrawal of Western troops from the country is underway – after 20 years: the Islamic fundamentalist group has conquered the key district of Panjwai, in its former stronghold of Kandahar, after a intense night of fighting with government forces.

The offensive to regain territories in the country’s rural areas has been underway since early May, when the United States began its final withdrawal, which is expected to be completed by the end of August. Panjwai’s downfall comes two days after US and NATO forces left Bagram airbase near Kabul, from where they led operations against the Taliban and their al-Qaeda allies for two decades.

For years, fundamentalist rebels and Afghan forces have clashed in the Panjwai area, considered strategic due to its proximity to the city of Kandahar, capital of the homonymous province in the south of the country.

Panjwai District Governor Hasti Mohammad reported that after the night’s fighting, government troops withdrew from the area. The head of the local provincial council, Sayed Jan Khakriwal, confirmed the fall of Panjwai, but accused the Kabul forces of “intentional withdrawal”.

In recent weeks, fighting has intensified in several provinces of Afghanistan: the Taliban have announced that they have control over 100 of the country’s nearly 400 districts. National authorities disputed the figure, but admitted that they had withdrawn from several areas. The departure of foreign forces from Bagram – the air base from which they provided vital support to their Afghan colleagues – has fueled fears that the Taliban could further intensify their offensive.


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