the EU wants to break the “glass ceiling” in companies

by time news

Monday, March 14, the Council of the European Union approved a proposal for a directive aimed at setting quotas for the presence of women in the positions of directors of listed companies. A historic step forward according to Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen.

“Simone Veil’s dreams will finally be able to come true”. Monday, March 14, when announcing the approval by the Council of the European Union of the proposal for a directive Women On BoardUrsula von der Leyen did not hide her enthusiasm.

For the President of the Commission, the adoption of this text represents a significant step forward, which will help to “breaking the glass ceiling” which prevents talented women from accessing positions of responsibility within companies.

The Belgian daily The evening, details the rules set by this directive:

By 2027, listed companies will have to aim for at least 40% of non-executive directorships to be held by members of the underrepresented sex. A quota reduced to 33% if member states extend the scope to executive directors.”

A very unequal situation according to the States

The objective, which might seem unambitious at first glance, will in fact not be easy to achieve, warns the Brussels media, which provides some figures: “today women make up 30.6% of boards [d’administration] and barely 8.5% of board chairs. On is very far from the mark”, indicates the newspaper which nevertheless concedes that, “the situation is very uneven depending on the state”.

It was therefore high time to act, especially since this Commission proposal had been blocked for ten years, says The evening, in particular because of the opposition of the previous German government which considered this theme as exclusively national.

Nevertheless, before declaring definitive victory, Ursula Von der Leyen will have to wait for the approval of the directive by the European Parliament, the last step before it is definitively validated.


Launched in 1887, The evening is with La Libre Belgique, one of the two reference dailies in French-speaking Belgium. Rich in supplements and a pioneer on the web, it has nevertheless seen its sales erode sharply over the years.


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