Xbox Series S/X outsold PS5 for the first time in Europe last month –

by time news

Both the Playstation 5 and the Xbox Series X are still hard to come by. There are long digital queues, lottery solutions, or tons of scalpers buying up their entire stock (really damned).

This means that when comparing sales between Playstation and Xbox, it’s mostly a matter of who offers more consoles. Sony has done a better job of this so far, even though they’ve been beaten multiple times in certain markets, however, they’ve never sold less Playstation 5 than the Xbox Series S/X for a full month in Europe. Sadly so far.

As stated by owner Christopher DringTwitterAs revealed above, it seems that the Xbox Series S/X sold the most in Europe in February:

“It’s been a great month for new games. Console sales continue to struggle. PS5 inventory levels mean Xbox Series consoles outsold PS5 for the first time (in tracked European markets).”

Sony said last month that they forecast “Playstation 5 hardware sales are expected to decline” due to a shortage of semiconductors. This doesn’t seem to hit Microsoft as hard because they still have the Xbox Series S, but they’re still suffering from it too. Russia’s war against Ukraine more certainly failed to improve the situation.

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