news of the night

by time news

Gerald Darmanin visits a live Corsica. Whereas “anger does not fall, for twelve days already”after Yvan Colonna’s assault on prison, Gérald Darmanin travels to Corsica on Wednesday 15 March and Thursday 16 March, “to put out the nationalist fire”, according to the words of Evening. The French Minister of the Interior has the mission of”open an unprecedented dialogue with the elected representatives of Corsica”explains the Belgian daily, which notes that the executive is “at bay”. “We are ready to go as far as autonomy” for Corsica, the minister said on Tuesday night Corse-Matin on the eve of his arrival on the island.

Two journalists from a Fox News team killed in Ukraine. Cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski, who had worked for the American channel for years, and a Ukrainian accompanying him were killed near kyiv in an attack which also injured a journalist, announced Fox News Tuesday, referring to a “heartbreaking day”. The news comes two days after that of the death of another American journalist, Brent Renaud, a former contributor to the New York Times, killed near Irpin.

Francis Kéré, first African to receive the Pritzker Prize. With this award, considered the “Nobel” discipline, Francis Kéré becomes the most famous African architect”salute Burkina24. “The Burkinabe, (…) naturalized German, (…) is an architect who has impressed the world of architecture in the four corners of the world for several years”. He has several works in Burkina, Mali, Togo and Europe. “In the current pain of the security crisis, our country must remember that it is also the nation of exceptional men like Francis Kéré”comments the site.

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  • France
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