Destroys the liver, confuses the brain, sabotages immunity, clogs arteries, kills cells and nerves, destroys the colon

by time news
It destroys the liver, confuses the brain, sabotages immunity, clogs arteries, kills cells and nerves, damages the colon

There are some harmful things that harm human health and are considered fatal and infect them with malignant diseases. In this article, I will teach people about the things that can ruin human life and lead to death.

Things that destroy the liver and destroy brain cells

  1. First, drug use, which God Almighty has forbidden, and which represents the biggest problem that can destroy brain cells.
  2. Secondly, alcohol abuse poses a threat to human health, as it leads to the destruction of the heart arteries, liver damage, and weakens the immune system in a continuous way, as alcohol confronts the lymphatic system in the human body, which is responsible for protecting the body from many diseases.

Ways to maintain the immune system:-

  1. We must eat vegetables and fruits that gain human immunity and maintain the integrity of the liver.
  2. Eating healthy drinks every day helps maintain the immune system, such as parsley boiled and fenugreek drink.
  3. Eating useful pills every morning keeps the heart healthy, like eating a teaspoon every morning of nigella.
  4. Exercising every morning and walking for about half an hour a day maintains the integrity of the heart in general, as it increases the immune system in humans.
  5. Avoid ingesting harmful substances that may lead to human life to death, such as alcohol and the use of harmful drugs and narcotics.
  6. It is also necessary to avoid eating foods that may lead to obesity and which lead to an increase in cholesterol in the blood, and to avoid eating foods full of oils and hydrogenated substances that destroy human health in the long run.
  7. As you need to avoid gaining weight and trying to get an ideal weight, the obese person is more prone to diseases and less immune.

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