Infertility is one of them.. Nutrition expert: Dried apricots treat many diseases in humans

by time news

Dr. Siham Soukia, a health nutrition expert, spoke on her personal page on the social networking site Facebook about the benefits of dried apricots, where she mentioned many benefits, including its role in treating infertility and increasing fertility, in addition to some other benefits that we will learn about during this article.

Prevention of anemia

Dried apricots contain a high percentage of iron as well as copper, which helps in the absorption of iron from us, which makes it have a lot of therapeutic benefits in getting rid of anemia. Therefore, apricots should be introduced into your diet to prevent anemia.

constipation treatment

Dried apricots contain a high percentage of cellulose, which is one of the dietary fibers that retain water in a large amount in the digestive tract around the digested food, thus facilitating the exit of waste and treating constipation.

speed up digestion

It was found that dried apricots contain a high percentage of alkaloids that neutralize acids in the stomach and speed up the digestion of food.

high temperature treatment

Apricots also help reduce high temperatures, and it can be eaten by adding dried apricots to honey and eating this drink that increases thirst and thus quenches the body and reduces heat and works to reduce it directly as well.

Treating skin problems

Dried apricots have a role in treating many skin diseases that a person suffers from, including sunburn, eczema and acne, in addition to getting rid of excess and annoying skin scales.

Gastrointestinal cleansing

Dried apricots contain alkaloids that interact with the digestive juices in the body and stimulate the production of an important alkaline environment to get rid of toxins and clean the digestive system, and it also works to expel gases and treat flatulence in the abdomen.

Infertility treatment

As we mentioned, dried apricots have an important role in treating infertility in both men and women, as it improves reproductive energy, as well as during pregnancy prevents bleeding and severe uterine contractions. .

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