What will be the most sought-after professions by 2030?

by time news

France Strategy, an autonomous institution reporting to the Prime Minister, has just published a report which analyzes demographic, economic, technological and environmental changes in the labor market, to shed light on and anticipate needs by sector as well as possible tensions between supply and demand for ‘use. The job market is in full upheaval, we analyze for you the trends at work.

Doctors, nurses, paramedical professions, home helpers and caregivers will be in high demand.

The Covid-19 crisis has particularly boosted the health and digital sectors, and on the contrary, has severely penalized the hotel and catering industry, trade, the entertainment and transport sectors. The four most job-creating professions (between 110,000 and 115,000 each) are computer engineers, nurse-midwives, nursing assistants and sales executives. Next come home helpers (+100,000) and skilled handling workers (+80,000), ahead of administrative and financial service executives and industrial engineers and technical executives (+75,000 respectively).

The building upgraded by the climate crisis

For its part, the construction sector is stimulated by the need to renovate buildings, in particular to meet the energy efficiency requirements of the ecological transition. While industrial professions have been paralyzed in recent years, the desire for a return to “made in France” and the development of recycling sectors will revitalize these sectors in the years to come. According to the report, the industry should also refocus around certain strategic activities such as pharmaceuticals and IT products, and other key sectors in the low-carbon transition such as the transport equipment industry.

Baby boomers are retiring and leaving their positions to be filled in different sectors

The latest generations of baby boomers will retire in the coming years: this should represent a total of nearly 800,000 vacancies each year between now and 2030. Among the fifteen professions with the most vacancies, three categories stand out: cleaners, teachers, vehicle drivers and salespeople.

Occupations in tension will remain under tension

While in recent years, sectors such as services and construction have experienced great difficulty in recruiting, unfortunately this is not expected to improve. The majority of jobs in tension today will continue to be, or will see their recruitment difficulties worsen by 2030, France Strategy alert. The solution would be to improve their attractiveness and increase training capacities, to meet current and future recruitment needs.

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