Who is Tanguy David, brand new ex-member of Eric Zemmour’s party

by time news

Trump and Putin fan

He appeared on social networks on October 30, 2021, on the sidelines of a public meeting of Eric Zemmour in Nantes. But it was on the day of the Villepinte meeting, December 5, that the 18-year-old law student, enrolled at the University of Caen, really caught the light for the first time. Ephemeral Delegate Generation Z from Calvados, always dressed in a suit and tie, fan of Donald Trump, Vladimir Poutine and Jair Bolsonaro, Tanguy David “enjoy the iron hand” by Eric Zemmour. However, he announced in a press release on March 10 that he was leaving the Reconquest movement! “after being the target of racist slurs and despicable messages because of [s]has skin color by supports » organisation.

Accustomed to TV sets

On social networks, he is very followed, very active and very virulent. In total agreement with the theses of the far right, he systematically sends his opponents back to their foreign origins, calling them “savages”, from “scum”, and inviting them to “return to Africa”. Regularly snubbed – recently by rapper Booba – he spends time on the TV set of Cyril Hanouna (C8).

He offered himself the services of a security guard following a first physical attack in February, before being targeted again on March 5 in Paris, where he filed a complaint with the police station of the 17e arrondissement. Since then, he has denounced the lack of support, even the insults emanating from the ranks of Reconquête!, some of whose members do not want“a black man defends GZ and white youth”, according to numerous messages posted on social networks.

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Denied by the Zemmourians

This tension is the culmination of a latent war of egos which broke out after the Villepinte meeting and which pits the Norman activist against Stanislas Rigault, the boss of Generation Z. Tanguy David is now in conflict with several members of Reconquest!, and in particular Damien Rieu, vice-president of the movement, who treats him of “Crazy”. He claims to be persona non grata at HQ.

The party leaders accuse him in particular of occupying airtime, to the detriment of Eric Zemmour and his lieutenants. Since he said he was distancing himself from the movement, he has been called a “traitor” by many activists.

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Uncertain about his future

Tanguy David still claims to support Eric Zemmour. But the recent message of sympathy from Amine Elbahi, invested by Les Républicains for the next legislative elections because of threats following his testimony in a report on Islamism in Roubaix, maintains the suspicion of a possible departure to LR. Especially since a few days ago, Tanguy David had an appointment with Jens Villumsen, a member of Valérie Pécresse’s campaign team. ” Just a friend “, retorts Tanguy David. He claims to have sent an application file to General Bertrand de La Chesnais, the campaign manager of Eric Zemmour, with a view to a nomination for the legislative elections. However, he is not “not sure to come to the big meeting of March 27 at the Trocadéro”.

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