How not to be hungry: 10 tips to manage it effectively

by time news

How not to be hungry: some small daily habits help manage appetite and be able to lose weight without too many sacrifices

One of the biggest problems for anyone who wants lose weight quickly and undergoes the diet is to manage fame. The feeling of constant appetite can derive from a too restrictive diet but it can also have a psychological cause. How not to be hungry at any time it can be a problem but fortunately it is enough to follow a few simple rules to avoid suffering during the day.

How not to be hungry: 10 tips to manage it

How not to be hungry it mostly depends on our daily behavior. You have to learn to listen to your body and in some cases you can even fool it to reach the goal of weight loss. Here are some tips in this regard:

  • Don’t go hungry: this is the first rule. If you feel the need to eat at any time, the problem may lie in the fact that we are not giving the body the food it needs. Prolonged fasting is counterproductive when it comes to lose weight fast. If the matabolism slows down, it becomes more difficult to manage hunger and therefore lose weight.
  • Eat in a balanced way: allows you to avoid the glycemic peaks that cause hunger. At each meal, you must therefore portion correctly the nutrients, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, without neglecting any.
  • Hydration: the stimulus of hunger is often confused with that of thirst. Always staying hydrated or trying to drink when you feel hungry is a simple but effective way to manage both needs.
  • Breakfast: many consider it the most important meal of the day and indeed it is, as it helps to arrive at lunchtime without going hungry, which then consequently leads to overdoing it. Several studies confirm that skipping breakfast already leads to cravings for fatty or sugary foods as early as mid-morning
  • Snacks: if you are hungry it is right to have a snack but choosing only healthy foods such as low-fat yogurt, dried fruit or a small wholemeal sandwich with turkey breast. Snacks help a lot in managing hunger pangs, even nervous ones.
  • Eat without distractions: Watching TV or smartphones at the table can lead to exaggeration as we are not focused on what we are doing. On the other hand it is said that you also eat with your eyes
  • Choosing the right dishes: Using smaller plates or bowls can be a trick to fool the brain and make it feel like you’re going to eat bigger portions
  • Avoid temptations: if you are very hungry due to a restrictive diet, do not put yourself in a situation that can lead to binge eating. On the table it is better to place only the foods that we should actually consume and leave temptations hidden. Even better, it’s better to just avoid buying those products that we shouldn’t indulge ourselves.
  • Right portions: to reduce hunger and manage it, it is a good idea to portion foods before preparing them. This will make it more difficult to get carried away.
  • Allow yourself some cheating: not being able to eat a certain food, such as pizza or sweets, is one of the main causes of nervous hunger. This then leads to overeating without restraint. Every so often it is therefore legitimate to indulge in some sneakiness that satisfies the mind and body and helps not to overdo it on other days.

Before changing your diet it is always advisable to contact a doctor, dietician or nutritionist for personalized advice on how not to be hungry and improve in terms of nutrition.

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