To deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine on the French economy, a “resilience plan” at 7 billion euros

by time news

Jean Castex presented, on Wednesday March 16, the “resilience plan” announced by Emmanuel Macron on March 2 to help companies cope with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, with a double objective: to reduce their energy bill in the short term and to make economy less dependent on Russia. Facing a “crisis that will take hold over time”the Prime Minister stressed the urgency of strengthening “technological, industrial and food sovereignty” from France.

The budgetary cost of these measures is close to 7 billion euros. The plan is partly financed by a partial carry-over of budgetary appropriations from 2021. Its level, just below the threshold which would have obliged the government to submit it to the vote of Parliament, allows it to affirm that we have come out of “whatever “it costs” decreed two years ago, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Efforts focused on energy

Energy is at the center of government policy, since the cost of all the measures taken in the face of soaring prices will amount to 25 to 26 billion euros, according to the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire . To the “tariff shield” limiting to 4% the increase in electricity tariffs for individuals, traders and craftsmen already decided, there is added new aid: companies whose electricity and gas expenses represent “at least 3% of their turnover, and which could make losses in 2022” such as those in metallurgy, chemicals or cardboard, will benefit from “covering half of the surplus of their energy expenditure”announced Mr. Castex.

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In addition to energy, certain sectors are very exposed to imports of minerals from Russia and are suffering from the rise in their prices (titanium, palladium, etc.). Until the end of 2022, the State will subsidize “up to 15% for large groups and 35% for small businesses”detailed the Mayor.

Aid for individuals to replace individual fuel or gas heaters will be raised by 1,000 euros from April 15, announced the Minister for Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, while packages for the installation of gas boilers will be stopped.

In addition to these budgetary measures, according to Mr. Castex, “tools that have proven themselves during the health crisis”but they will be “adapted to the specificities of this crisis”. Companies will be able to take out state-guaranteed loans (PGE) up to a limit of 35% of company turnover (compared to 25% previously). In addition, a new PGE set at 10% of turnover will be launched on 1is July. Companies will also benefit from deferrals of tax and social security contributions. The long-term partial activity scheme will be extended by twelve months.

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