Olivier Véran confirms 1,000 additional intensive care beds

by time news

Olivier Véran presented, Thursday, March 10, to the actors of the hospital sector, the “critical care roadmap 2022-2025”. After a health crisis which severely tested these services (resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring units) for two years, more particularly in resuscitation, and highlighted the lack of staff and attractiveness of the sector, the ministry promises in particular to increase capacity, with 1,000 additional beds. He also announced the establishment of a ratio of one nurse for four beds in intensive care.

This roadmap is based on the proposals of the December 2021 report of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) and draws, according to the ministry, the “lessons” of the Covid-19 pandemic. Objective: to provide the territory with a quality, structured critical care sector, but also to prepare to anticipate a new crisis situation.

The government wishes to adapt the supply of critical care by opening these 1,000 additional intensive care and post-resuscitation beds. It thus follows the recommendations of the IGAS mission, which considers that this figure should cover current needs. This number is calculated in relation to the 5,080 available before the health crisis in 2019, where temporary beds were armed.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In intensive care units, an IGAS report considers it necessary to increase the number of beds

Among these 1,000 additional beds, there are 500 in intensive care already “allowed” but closed for lack of personnel, which will be reopened, and 500 creations in post-resuscitation rehabilitation care for “to improve the recovery of functionalities by the patient after his hospitalization in intensive care and to make the pathways more fluid”.

Catching up in under-resourced regions

The National Union of Intensive Care Doctors welcomes a “beautiful political announcement on a subject that has preoccupied the French”, but nevertheless regrets that it arrives ” tardily “, on the eve of an election. “How can you be sure it’s not a stab in the water?” », asks Djillali Annane, head of the resuscitation service at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches (Hauts-de-Seine) and president of the Syndicate of resuscitators.

The roadmap also announces a “quick catch-up” in regions where intensive care capacities are below the national average, such as Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Guyana and Mayotte. “The ARS.” [agences régionales de santé] will have to define the needs in each region. Currently, it is estimated that around twenty beds in Brittany and around thirty for the Pays de la Loire are needed”, comments the minister’s office. Resuscitation capacities would thus increase from 5,080 pre-Covid beds to “more than 6,100”.

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