Mediterranean diet, the menu that helps the brain and memory –

by time news
Of Anna Fregonara

It prevents or delays the effects of cognitive impairment related to aging. It is rich in minerals and vitamins that act as a “shield” to the brain against dementia and has an anti-inflammatory activity

Ours is one of Older countries of Europe: life expectancy at birth, in 2019, is 81.1 years for men and 85.4 for women (Istat data). The help to get there with the years in health and with the lucid brain we have it at home: the Mediterranean diet which, we read on Clinical Nutritionimproves memory and prevents or delays the effects of cognitive impairment linked to aging.

Strength points

Spanish researchers followed 487 volunteers for three years, half between men and women with an average age of 65, who were overweight or obese and who met at least three criteria of the metabolic syndrome, which includes hypertension, hyperglycemia, excess fat around the waist, low HDL cholesterol and high triglyceride levels. Thanks to neuropsychological tests carried out after one and three years, the researchers observed a link between adherence to the low-calorie Mediterranean diet and cognitive improvement, also influenced by weight loss and greater physical activity.

But why is this diet special?

“It is rich in vitamins and minerals that play a first level antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying role: they are the first defensive shield that acts as soon as oxidative stress occurs” explains Silvana Hrelia, full professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bologna . «The Mediterranean diet is also rich in nutraceutici, molecules that need longer times to offer second-level protection: they reach our DNA and induce it to express protective genes capable of promoting the synthesis of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying enzymes that enhance and prolong the first protective mechanisms level. There is so little vitamin C in the brain that it cannot exert an antioxidant function. Some nutraceuticals, on the other hand, cross the blood brain barrier and induce the brain to produce those defenses that protect it from attacks by free radicalsalso favoring the synthesis of molecules such as neurotrophins which increase synaptic plasticity, attention and memory ».

The menu to be preferred

Which foods to prefer?

«Those who ate our grandparents who followed the
true Mediterranean diet
: few foods of animal origin, legumes, whole grains such as spelled and barley, high consumption of vegetables and some seasonal fruit of all colors because each vegetable has different nutraceuticals. The abundance of fiber promotes the health of the intestine, our main immune organ. Extra virgin olive oil contains a molecule (oleocanthal) which is a natural anti-inflammatory. There are similar substances in the external integument of Whole grains».

What does brain aging depend on?

«80% from oxidative stress favored by free radicals that deteriorate the structure of the neuron. 20% from genetic or traumatic causes. The main forms of cerebral decay are senile dementia, of vascular origin, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s for which prevention is essential. The Mediterranean diet also protects against hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, diseases that predispose to brain damage, and reduces the period between healthy life expectancy and total life expectancy. Motor activity is also important, such as walking, swimming and climbing stairs, which produces small quantities of free radicals that have a role in biosignaling and activating endogenous antioxidant defenses. The radicals become “bad” only if they are in excess ».

March 17, 2022 (change March 17, 2022 | 10:59)

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