Diocese, the school and catechesis office has a director: Chiara Rinaldi – News

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BOLZANO. L’Diocesan school and catechesis office has a new director,the Bolzanina Chiara​ Rinaldi which from Monday 1st December happens to Andrea Bailoni.

Born ⁤and raised in Bolzano, the Oltrisarco district, after graduating⁢ from high school ⁤Chiara Rinaldi graduated in law from the Università Cattolica ⁣del‍ Sacro Cuore​ in⁣ Milan. While⁣ already working in ⁢a judicial​ office, ‌he made the decision to embark on a new path in the‌ world of school and teaching. In 2023 she ⁣also graduated​ from the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences‍ in Bolzano and received the Bishop Karl ⁣Golser Prize for her thesis ”Weitermachen. ⁣Doing more⁢ – ⁣Alexander Langer’s⁢ words for a pastoral approach ‌aimed at today’s‍ young people”. Chiara Rinaldi is⁤ the mother of ‍seven children.

‌ The new director faces her task with confidence: “I ​am ⁣aware that ⁤I am starting ⁢my journey on well-trodden ground not‍ only by‌ the previous directors, Markus Felderer and⁤ Andrea Bailoni,​ but also ⁣by the constant work of all the collaborators.I want to work hard to ‌build relationships, broaden ⁢perspectives, give opportunities to​ innovations that⁤ can⁣ fuel⁢ personal and community growth through relationships and dialog. teaching ⁤was ⁣a⁤ great desire and a challenge: to stand alongside young⁤ people and ⁤children to try ​to live the future with them.​ Moreover, teaching religion is‍ for me ‌the possibility of bringing ‌to the classroom a time dedicated to ⁤God, to thinking⁤ about him, imagining‌ him, questioning him​ through the typical curiosity⁣ of children and young people which should never be blocked or rejected but rather always⁣ encouraged and nourished.”

Andrea Bailoni, who directed the diocesan office for⁣ a ⁤year​ and is now starting⁢ to study psychology and philosophy in Perugia, realizing a long-standing desire, underlines the importance of⁤ the work of religion teachers and ⁢catechists, “who are not only⁣ educators, but also builders of ⁣bridges in ⁢dialogue and sowers of hope. Through teaching, they help students grapple‌ with the big questions ​about ⁤existence, understand the cultural and spiritual roots of our society and cultivate the values ​​of peace, ⁣solidarity ‍and mutual respect. This service is an indispensable gift for the Church and society.”⁣ Until mid-January the outgoing director will accompany Chiara ⁤Rinaldi in the handover.

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