Indonesia fears that the G20 in Bali will turn into a fiasco

by time news

The Indonesian government has said it does not want to put the war in Ukraine on the agenda for the next G20, scheduled for Bali in October 2022, to stick to the three priorities he set out before the conflict broke out. the Jakarta Post judges this stubbornness absurd and pleads for Indonesia on the contrary to act as a mediator during this summit.

On March 10, 2022, Dian Triansyah Djani, the co-organizer of the next G20to be held in Bali in October, said that Indonesia, which is chairing the summit this year, ruled out the possibility of putting the Ukrainian crisis on the agenda.

In his editorial, the Jakarta Post strongly reacts to this position of the Indonesian Government, which it considers aberrant: “Rather than stubbornly sticking to its agenda, Indonesia should be flexible and even be prepared to change course to lead the G20. Rather than ignore the issue, Indonesia should make the war in Ukraine a priority. And rather than passively waiting for events to unfold, Indonesia should play an active role in the search for peace.”

A war that affects the world

The daily recalls that, with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the series of economic sanctions imposed by the aggressor, the world is facing another major economic recession in the wake of that caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. 19, in 2020. Even the motto of the Indonesian government to revive its national economy, “Recover together, recover stronger”, has become obsolete:

Indonesia can always try not to put this war on the agenda of the G20but the consequences of the Russian invasion are sure to haunt discussions on global health, sustainable energy transition and digital transformation, the three areas that Indonesia has prioritized.”

Since the first day of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, President Joko Widodo has been haunted by fear that the summit of the G20, which he held up as a banner of his country’s economic success, turned into a fiasco. Indeed, Indonesia is facing increasing pressure to expel Russia or exclude it from all activities of the group.

“Some countries say they will boycott the October summit in Bali if Russian President Vladimir Putin is invited. Comply with their request [d’exclusion] could however lead other members, such as China and India, to reconsider their own participation”, note it Jakarta Post.


the Jakarta Post was founded in 1983. English-speaking, its original mission was to introduce Indonesia to foreigners. With the country’s political and sociological transformations, it is now working to “


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