The crypto revolution is taking a step up: a new social network for NFT creators

by time news

NFT (freepik photography)

Sandmilk is launching an NFT-based social network for digital originals in order to allow digital creators to own their original works and trade them simply and without the need for a crypto wallet.

In recent months, sandmilk ( has quietly launched its social network and as part of this, thousands of artists from all over the world have already joined for their variety of works. In order to publicly present the network and its ease of use, Sandmilk has launched a joint venture with Tom Baum, one of the network’s leading stars in Israel, in order to gain wide exposure among influencers, network stars and digital content creators.

Creating an NFT is a complicated process that has hitherto been reserved for professionals, and holders of crypto wallets – these represent less than one percent of the population, which has deterred the general public who produce or are interested in purchasing digital works. Sandmilk has created a simple, innovative and smart way to apply ownership of any personal and original digital media. The Sandmilk service makes it accessible to everyone – ordinary people and digital creators alike, to create the NFT on their original digital media items, all with ease and without the need for a crypto wallet.

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In order to demonstrate Sandmilk’s innovative and simple process for creating NFT, talents, network influencers and other content creators will be able to experience the system in real time at the Purim party, upload photos easily and friendly and create NFT on the spot, without the need for technical knowledge and crypto wallet.

Sandmilk CEO Uri Shmerling noted: “Sandmilk has recognized the need to make the NFT world accessible to its true target audience – digital creators and consumers of original digital content. We enable an easy-to-use system without the need for a technical background or crypto wallet, which is not always available to content creators and consumers, but via a standard credit card. ”

Schmerling added that, “In the short time since the silent launch of the social network, we have reached a large audience from all over the world. We are pleased to partner with Tom Baum to celebrate the public launch, which allows us to show how easy it is to produce NFT for our network users. We hope that the convenience we bring with us will allow as many digital creators from every field as possible to enter the NFT world and enjoy the exposure of their original works, and reach the audience of consumers of the works. ”

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