The investigation opened against a police officer who had insulted a woman who came to file a complaint dismissed

by time news

The Paris prosecutor’s office dismissed the investigation opened for “non-public insults” aimed at a police officer accused of having called a complainant for sexual assault a “whore”, the Paris prosecutor’s office told AFP on Thursday.

“The open procedure of the head of non-public insults of a sexist nature was dismissed on February 25,” said the prosecution, confirming information from Mediapart. At the beginning of February, the online news site had revealed the story of this young 34-year-old woman who had filed a first complaint on the night of February 4 to 5 with police officers from the police station of the 5th and 6th arrondissements of Paris for ” sexual assault while intoxicated”, leading to the opening of an investigation.

He thought he had hung up

A police officer from this police station had called her back at midday and left her a voice message on her answering machine asking her to come and complete her complaint. Believing to have hung up, we hear the official joking with one of his colleagues: “I will call her back anyway because she must be sleeping off! »

Then reading aloud an excerpt from the young woman’s complaint, he added: “The complaint doesn’t actually make sense”. “Ah obviously, she refuses the confrontation”, he said then. “She really is a whore. (…) Damn, she refuses the confrontation and moreover the whore. As if by chance. In fact it was just to break his balls, I’m sure. (…) Whore, big whore”, he concluded, before the handset was hung up.

“Inadmissible remarks”

“The procedure was closed without further action for lack of characterization of the offense, the remarks having been made without the intention of bringing them to the knowledge of the complainant”, justified the public prosecutor.

This affair had aroused numerous criticisms, particularly within feminist circles which regularly denounce the poor consideration by the police of victims of sexual violence.

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin had estimated that this policeman had “no longer his place” within the national police. The prefect of police Didier Lallement had condemned him “inadmissible remarks” and announced that he had seized the “police of police” (IGPN) of an administrative investigation and had requested the suspension of the police officer as a precaution.

The complainant had filed a complaint with the IGPN concerning these insults, leading to the opening of this second investigation on February 16, now closed.

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