Former Foreign Ministry official: Removal of the Revolutionary Guards from the blacklist – hypocrite

by time news

The US Axios website reported yesterday that the administration of US President Joe Biden is considering removing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards from the blacklist of terrorist organizations, in exchange for Iran’s public commitment to reduce escalation in the region.

The former consul in New York, Oak notepad, Spoke today (Thursday) with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad and attacked the US: “It may not be pleasant, it may seem hypocritical – but it is important to make clear that removing a country from the list of countries that sponsor the terrorism department does not mean removing sanctions from this organization. He will continue to be under sanctions and only removed from the list. However, it has an unpleasant symbolic value. “

“Assuming this agreement really exists, the U.S. decision is undoubtedly an annoying, hypocritical and unnecessary thing. “We have a misunderstanding when we think the Americans are innocent, and another misconception that the US sees the nuclear deal as an important thing of paramount importance – it is not. .

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He concluded by advising the prime minister not to enter into a confrontation with the Americans: “Even if you think you are right and think they are innocent, because everything you want to do in Iran is related to them as well. Second, it is important to remind him that the nuclear agreement in 2005 was “Only on the nuclear issue and does not apply to Iran’s regional activity and no one is preventing him from acting against them.”

Assisted in the editing of the article: David Zevuluni, 103fm.

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