Presidential: Emmanuel Macron proposes retirement at 65

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Emmanuel Macron therefore confirmed what had already been announced by the government spokesperson. The candidate president intends to make the French work more, by announcing this Thursday in front of an audience of more than 300 journalists gathered in Seine-Saint-Denis his desire to raise the legal retirement age to 65 years.

“Our society lives longer, so it is normal that we work more,” he explained to the Docks de Paris, in Aubervilliers, where he took the time to present his entire program for the presidential election. .

Simplify the “employment-retirement” combination mechanisms

His reform, he assures, will be different from that of 2017, which was “blocked by the pandemic”. “The macroeconomic conditions are not the same, I draw lessons that have not been understood,” he said.

Emmanuel Macron proposes to increase the legal age “gradually” up to 65, to “take into account long careers”, “disability pensions” and the “reality of trades and tasks”. It also wishes to simplify the mechanisms of “employment-retirement” accumulation.

Criticized by left-wing candidates, but also by Marine Le Pen, fiercely opposed to this reform, Emmanuel Macron responds with the gain that the French would benefit from in exchange for these additional years of work. The minimum pension for a full career will increase to 1100 euros per month, he confirmed again today.

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