Boris Johnson hints: there is a connection between Putin and Haman

by time news

(Photo: Frederic Lagran / Shatterstock)

As the holiday is celebrated around the world, leaders have blessed the Jewish communities around the world and wished them a happy Purim holiday. In their remarks, they also referred to the ongoing war in Ukraine, and implicitly compared the story of the Book of Esther to the current conduct of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Jewish story of Purim reminds us all that tyrants who try to destroy the innocent do not evade punishment,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wrote in a Twitter tweet. “On this joyous day, when peace and freedom are celebrated, our prayers are with President Vladimir Zlansky and the Ukrainian people fighting for his freedom.”

At the same time, Doug Amhoff, the Jewish husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris, said that “on Purim we remember the courage of Queen Esther, celebrate the resilience of the Jewish community in the world, and respect the eternal lesson we must resist hatred wherever it exists.”

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