Unknown in Europe,but very powerful in the United States,the health insurer covers 51 million Americans.Valued on the stock market at more than 550 billion dollars, it will generate profits of 22 billion dollars in 2023.
Amazement in New York. The head of UnitedHealthcare, America’s largest insurance company, was killed Wednesday morning in midtown Manhattan. Brian Thompson, 50, was shot and killed around 6:45 a.m. very close to the Hilton hotel in the Midtown business district,which houses the headquarters of banks,insurance companies and financial groups. He was shot several times in the back and leg. According to the police, who have launched a real manhunt, it is a “targeted assassination.” “Everything indicates at this stage that this is a premeditated, organized and targeted attack,” a police officer said.The motive for this murder is unknown.. Brian thompson’s wife, who spoke to NBC, said her husband was the subject of the murder “threatens people”. “What do I know about poor (healthcare) coverage?”he wondered.
Unknown in Europe, but very powerful in the United States, UnitedHealthcare is one of the largest insurers in the world. The group, which employs 440,000 people, provides health coverage to 51 million Americans and collaborates with government programs such as Medicare, the American health insurance system for the elderly. Leader in its sector in the United States, the giant based in Minnetonka, Minnesota (northern United States), generated profits of 22 billion dollars in 2023 and revenues of 371.6 billion dollars. On the stock market the group is worth 557 billion dollars.Coming to New York to meet with investors, Brian Thompson planned to announce that UnitedHealthcare’s revenue would reach between $450 and $455 billion in 2025.
Cyber attack in February
For UnitedHealthcare and its competitors (CVC, Cigna, Humana, etc.), the more insured we claim under management, the better we negotiate with pharmaceutical labs. but this poses competitive risks that have not escaped the attention of American regulators. UnitedHealth is the subject of an antitrust investigation by the U.S.Department of Justice (DOJ). In November, the department filed a lawsuit to block the company’s $3.3 billion acquisition of home care and hospice services provider Amedisys.
UnitedHealthcare faced other setbacks earlier this year. In February, the company said one of its units was the victim of a sophisticated cyberattack that disrupted payments to hospitals and healthcare providers for more than a week. The company reportedly paid a $22 million ransom to regain control of its systems.