Omar Wagner: The impact of the war in Ukraine on the trade agreement with Israel

by time news

While the eyes of the world are on the horrors of Putin’s murderous war in Europe, the corona is raising its head and erupting again in China. This time it is happening in the city of Shenzhen (Shenzhen) Considered the cradle of the Chinese economy, a city where manufacturing plants essential to the Chinese economy as well as the world economy are located. And yes, it is also happening in other hotspots, including Shanghai Capital and the largest Chinese trading city in China, as well as in Jalin Province which is known as the center of the automotive industry in the north of the country.

While the eyes of the world are on the horrors of Putin’s murderous war in Europe, the corona is raising its head and erupting again in China. This time it is happening in the city of Shenzhen, which is considered the cradle of the Chinese economy, and in other important cities

Shenzhen, formerly a fishing village, eventually became the “Silicon Valley of China,” a rich and prosperous international technological-industrial center with a population of about 17.5 million.

This is one of the clear symbols of China’s economic boom, which began after the far-reaching reforms outlined by President Dang Xiao Ping beginning in the 1980s and which freed 800 million Chinese from poverty. Thus, four decades later and a little more than two years since it first broke out in the central city of Wuhan, the Beijing administration is once again facing the threat of coronation spreading across China and beyond.

There is no doubt that the much-hyped sensitivity attributed to the issue, especially given the strategic location and timing in which the “Hidden Omicron” variant (BA2) was discovered, influences the decision to impose a full week-long closure on Shenzhen and Jellin Province as well as impose restrictions on Shanghai. The panic that gripped the Chinese government in the face of potential future damage is greater and more significant now in the past.

Potential for future damage in view of the spread of the virus

And the facts speak for themselves. For someone who is now considered one of the most powerful leaders in the world and an ally of President Putin, dealing with a “mini-crisis” of this kind, which could very quickly get out of hand and become a global crisis, is far beyond a headache.

For those who are now considered one of the most powerful leaders in the world and Putin’s ally, tackling such a “mini-crisis” that could quickly spiral out of control and turn into a global crisis is far beyond a headache.

It is a confrontation with an existential, threatening and complex “home” challenge while Europe is undergoing a bloodbath and a global struggle against Putin, in which Xi Jinping is called upon to act as a In other words, it is a critical leadership test that carries significant geopolitical implications that go far beyond China, let alone the issue of his election to his third term. This is an attempt to “return the breast to the bottle”.

Fearing global economic damage as well as China’s economy, its reputation and global standing are at stake, Xi Jinping does not resort to measures to stop the epidemic from spreading as soon as possible. It adopts a “zero sticking” strategy and takes immediate drastic measures that include partial / complete closure of production lines and factories in thriving Chinese cities.

(Photo: AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)

The Chinese president, driven by a deep-seated sense of responsibility and loyalty to the Chinese public alongside the need to maintain internal stability, which are a candle to his feet, has extensive experience in managing crises. Based on the recognition of China’s economic and political power, its centrality in the international arena and its worldwide policies based on long-term strategy and planning, The president acts out of interests and discretion alongside pragmatic cost-benefit calculations.

For him, the decline in the value of shares on the Hong Kong stock exchange, along with temporary but significant delays in the global maritime transportation system and shocks in the global supply chain, are just a “slight blow to the wing.” This is a sane and realistic “price” that he is willing to pay in the present and at the time of writing these lines, if only to “buy” the necessary peace and stability.

With the fear of harming the world economy, China’s economy, its reputation and its rising status before his eyes, Jinping does not resort to measures to stop the spread of the plague as soon as possible. It adopts a “zero adhesion” strategy

Geopolitical implications

Thus, while China is waging a “domestic” struggle to curb the potentially deadly virus in itself, the sleepy West is living in a kind of denial of reality. NATO countries and the US administration in particular, can barely digest and understand the scale of the global crisis and the scale of the murderous struggle in Europe, which they are required to lead in order to stop Putin.

In doing so it is important to remember, that extreme and violent as it may be, Putin for Xi Jinping is first and foremost an ally and partner in the fight against the United States and the West, despite the murderous policies he pursues.

However, alongside a close but complex relationship with the head of the Kremlin, based on a deep and prolonged acquaintance alongside warm relations between the Moscow administration and the Beijing administration especially in the last decade, There are huge strategic and ideological gaps between countries and leaders.

Thus, while Xi Jinping “juggles” between direct and cross-cutting interests, opposing positions and different options for action, he uses his own codes of conduct to differentiate himself from Putin and highlight the gaps with Russia. Beyond that, it does so to radiate power, leadership and responsibility to the Chinese public and the global public, especially in these moments of crisis-within-crisis, if only to Upgrade China’s image and position in the international arena not only as an international mediator, but as a peacemaker between rival parties.

Thus, on the one hand the Chinese president refuses to succumb to Russian blackmail to provide the Kremlin with arms and economic support, and on the other hand the Chinese Foreign Ministry does not hesitate to sharply criticize the US administration, while refusing to support international sanctions.

On the one hand, the Chinese president refuses to succumb to Russian blackmail and provide the Kremlin with weapons and economic support, and on the other hand, the Chinese Foreign Ministry sharply criticizes the US administration, refusing to support international sanctions.

However, from a systemic point of view, maintaining Chinese neutrality while the corona raises its head and spreads across China is a never-ending opportunity for Putin to continue to intensify his struggle in Europe.

Now more than ever, with China preoccupied with “its own troubles,” the Kremlin chief may exaggerate his murderous stance and not resort to means, including the use of unconventional weapons, if only to draw global attention and maximize his achievements toward the West.

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