When we suffer from heart disease of any kind, cardiologists insist on the importance of exercising regularly, even more so than in people without these serious conditions. Physical activity can help strengthen the heart muscleand they help control blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which means we will be more protected from possible unexpected events.
Nowadays we frequently enough hear trainers and doctors talk about the importance of practicing strength exercises, those that provide resistance and burn more calories. However, in the case of patients with some kind of heart problem, the recommended exercises are not strength exercises, but strength exercises aerobics.
The importance of exercise in heart problems
Weight-bearing exercise is not the most recommended in patients with heart conditions.
As the experts at Medlineplus explain, it is very important to exercise regularly when you suffer from heart disease. Exercise can strengthen the myocardium (cardiac muscle). It can also help you stay more active without chest pain or other symptoms.
Exercise can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and also control blood sugar levels. Al contribute to weight lossphysical activity will cause a greater state of well-being in general, and in people with some health problems in particular.
Of course, when there are underlying heart problems, the type of exercise must be specific, so as not to put patients at risk, and the best person to tell us which exercises are best for us is our doctor. Even so, as a general proposal that most cardiologists agree on, Aerobic activities are the most suitable.
What exercise should people with heart problems do?
Dancing in a group has countless physical and mental benefits,it is recommended for heart diseases.
When we talk about aerobic exercises, those that increase resistance by maintaining the heart rate for a prolonged period, we are talking about activities such as walking, dancing, swimming, rowing, skating, skiing, light jogging, cycling or working out at the gym with the elliptical machine, for example. The ideal is to practice one every day, even tho if this is not possible, 3 or 4 times a week might be enough.
The importance of stretching and breaks in sport
Pre-stretching warms up the muscle to avoid injury
With aerobic exercises for patients with cardiovascular problems, it is indeed always highly recommended take a few minutes to stretchas in this way we will be able to warm up the muscles and heart before carrying out the controlled effort.
In the same way that you should stretch before doing an aerobic exercise, you should ultimately spend the last few minutes continuing to walk (whatever exercise you choose) but at a much slower pace.In patients with heart disease, cardiologists recommend allow yourself some intermediate rest times to avoid extreme fatigue, always inadvisable.
The clothes for practicing our aerobic exercises must always be cozy, and we must do so learn to breathe correctlyconsciously, to obtain all the possible benefits for the heart.
Stephan D. Fihn, James C. Blankenship, karen P. Alexander, John A. bittl, John G. Byrne, Barbara J. Fletcher, Gregg C. Fonarow, Richard A. Lange, Glenn N. Levine, Thomas M. Maddox, Srihari S. Naidu, E. Magnus Ohman, peter K. Smith. “Updating guidelines for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease: a report.” American College of Cardiology. Published in the National Library of Medicine https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25070666/
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What are the best types of exercises for individuals with heart disease?
Engaging Interview Between Time.news Editor and Cardiovascular Health Expert
Time.news Editor: Welcome to Time.news, where we delve into pressing health topics that affect our lives today. Today, we have the privilege of speaking with Dr. Maria Salazar, a renowned cardiologist and expert in cardiovascular health. Dr. Salazar, thank you for joining us today!
Dr. Maria Salazar: Thank you for having me! I’m excited to discuss such an vital topic.
Editor: Let’s dive right in. We often hear about the importance of exercise for overall health, but could you explain why this is especially critical for those suffering from heart disease?
Dr. Salazar: Absolutely. For individuals with heart disease, regular exercise is paramount.Physical activity helps to strengthen the heart muscle, known as the myocardium. This strengthening is crucial as it enhances cardiovascular function, helping the heart work more efficiently. It can significantly lower the risk of complications related to heart disease.
Editor: That makes a lot of sense. Now, there’s a lot of buzz around strength training too. Should patients with heart conditions focus on strength exercises?
Dr. Salazar: That’s a common misconception. While strength training has its benefits, individuals with heart problems are usually advised to focus more on aerobic exercises.These lower-impact activities—like walking, swimming, or cycling—can improve cardiovascular endurance and help in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels without putting additional strain on the heart.
Editor: engaging distinction! So, what are some specific benefits of aerobic exercise for heart patients?
Dr. Salazar: Great question! Aerobic exercise can help patients achieve better control over blood pressure and cholesterol, which are critical parameters for heart health. It also aids in regulating blood sugar levels and can contribute to weight loss. All of this adds up to not only a healthier heart but an improved sense of well-being,particularly for those with underlying health issues.
Editor: It sounds like physical activity can truly transform lives. How can someone just starting out adopt an exercise routine safely?
Dr. Salazar: It’s crucial for anyone with heart issues to consult their healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen. Once cleared, they should start gradually. A good starting point could be light aerobic exercises,increasing duration and intensity slowly over time. Regular monitoring of one’s body response during and after exercise is also essential.
Editor: That’s valuable advice. Now, what role do mental and emotional factors play in exercising with heart disease?
Dr. Salazar: Exercise has profound effects on mental and emotional well-being. Physical activity releases endorphins, which can diminish feelings of stress and anxiety, contributing to a more positive outlook on life. This emotional boost is particularly beneficial for heart patients, who may experience anxiety related to their condition.
Editor: It’s engaging to see the interplay between emotional health and physical activity. To wrap up, what would you say to someone who feels overwhelmed by their heart condition and is hesitant to exercise?
Dr. Salazar: I would say take it one step at a time.Every small effort counts.Setting achievable goals and celebrating those little victories can build confidence.Engaging with a support group or health professional can also make the journey more manageable. Remember, the path to a healthier heart begins with just one step!
Editor: Thank you so much, Dr. Salazar. Your insights on the importance of exercise for heart health have been incredibly illuminating. We appreciate your time today!
Dr. Salazar: Thank you for having me. Let’s keep the conversation going about heart health and the power of exercise!